
Jan. 8, 2025 If there’s not a photo, it didn’t happen Submit your viewing photo to ODFW and we might use it here or elsewhere on Corvallis area EE Wilson Wildlife Area There are lots of deer, shorebirds and waterfowl to see on the wildlife area – look for goose, mallard, hooded merganser and wood duck broods. Wildlife viewing remains good for waterfowl and shorebirds. Note: Dogs are required to be on a leash inside the wildlife area boundary. Rifles and pistols are prohibited year-round. Find directions to EE Wilson Wildlife Area. A parking permit is required to park
Jan. 8, 2025 If there’s not a photo, it didn’t happen Submit your viewing photo to ODFW and we might use it here or elsewhere on Baker County Bighorn sheep can be seen in the Burnt River Canyon west of Durkee or along the Snake River Road south of Richland. The best viewing is in the early morning and late in the evening. Take the Snake River Road between Richland and Huntington to see bald and golden eagles along the Snake River. There are deer throughout the valley. Early in the morning and late in the afternoon are good
Jan. 8, 2025 If there’s not a photo, it didn’t happen Submit your viewing photo to ODFW and we might use it here or elsewhere on Crook County There are red-tailed, rough-legged and ferruginous hawks, northern harriers, American kestrels, prairie falcons and golden eagles throughout Crook County and they're usually associated more closely with open/agricultural areas. Bald eagles and osprey, on the other hand, are more closely associated with water bodies. Look for northern goshawks throughout the Ochoco National Forest, and for ducklings and goslings in rivers and lakes. Prineville Reservoir Wildlife Area The Prineville Reservoir Wildlife Area offers
Jan. 8, 2025 If there’s not a photo, it didn’t happen Submit your viewing photo to ODFW and we might use it here or elsewhere on Tillamook County Birds Coastal headlands in Tillamook County include Cascade Head and Capes Kiwanda, Lookout, Meares and Falcon. Sandy beaches occupy the stretches in between. Species of birds found along the shore range from the easily identified black oystercatcher with its huge orange bill to the dizzying array of "peeps" – sandpipers, sanderlings and the like – which take more effort and a good field guide to properly identify species. Some (oystercatchers and
Feb. 5, 2025 If there’s not a photo, it didn’t happen Submit your viewing photo to ODFW and we might use it here or elsewhere on Harney County Early migrant waterfowl have begun to show up in the county. Look to Malheur Wildlife Refuge and other inholdings of water for pintail, tundra swans, white-fronted, snow, and Canada geese. Wintering raptors are still present in the area. Opportunities to view golden eagles, bald eagles, various hawks and falcons perched on telephone poles and fence posts are available across the district. Resident raptors such as red-tailed hawks and northern harriers can
There is no Wildlife Viewing update for the Columbia Zone.
There is no Wildlife Viewing update for the Snake Zone.
Jan. 8, 2025 If there’s not a photo, it didn’t happen Submit your viewing photo to ODFW and we might use it here or elsewhere on The Oregon coast is a great place to come and view a variety of wildlife. Enjoy the great diversity of life: from giant whales and barking sea lions, to majestic bald eagles and diving pelicans, to showy Harlequin ducks and flocking shorebirds, to the tiny anemones and crabs inhabiting tidepools. There is always something new to discover. Visit our wildlife viewing map for locations to visit and view wildlife along the Oregon coast
Jan. 8, 2025 If there’s not a photo, it didn’t happen Submit your viewing photo to ODFW and we might use it here or elsewhere on Coos and Curry counties Coquille Valley Wildlife Area (CVWA) Coquille Valley Wildlife Area (CVWA) in Coos County is open to public access. Permits for access are required and are available, free of charge, at the kiosk located in the parking lot along North Bank Road. You must access CVWA through this point. Please fill out the upper half ("A" half) of the permit and deposit it in the slot located on the post

The Bureau of Land Management maintains a series of pastures along Oregon Highway 38 that are a year-round residence for a herd of 60-100 Roosevelt elk. Elk are visible almost every day of the year!