Showing 61 - 80 of 271 results
Nehalem Bay offers both beach and boat access to softshell and purple varnish clam beds.
Looking for the perfect gift for the hunter on your holiday list? We’ve asked some ODFW staff, all avid hunters, to share their gift-giving (and gift-getting) ideas.
We asked some of the fisher folk at ODFW for their favorite gift-giving ideas. Here's what they said.
You'll find crab areas and softshell clamming opportunities in the southern part of the bay.
Clamming is the main attraction in Netarts Bay. The bay is also one of five major crabbing bays in Oregon with good populations of both Dungeness and redrock crab.
Some youth big game hunts rival adult tags in terms of the number of preference points needed to draw. Knowing how the system works can help you make the most of their hunting opportunities before they turn 18.
February 22, 2022
To most anglers, herring and anchovies are best known as bait. But they also can be fun to catch and delicious for dinner.
Siletz Bay, located at the south end of Lincoln City, is a very popular destination for beach-goers and clam diggers. Some of the highest density purple varnish clam beds are easily accessed here. Its proximity to the ocean also makes it a very productive seasonal crabbing area
Follow this page for background on steelhead management, to provide feedback and learn about decisions when they happen for the Columbia, Deschutes, John Day, Umatilla, Walla Walla and Grand Ronde rivers. Sign up for email/text updates Update Feb 14, 2024: The pre-season forecasts for Columbia River basin upriver summer steelhead were recently developed. The aggregate forecast is improved over last year but still well below the 10-year average. Actual returns in 2023 (steelhead counts at Bonneville and Ice Harbor dams) were higher than pre-season forecasts and sufficient to keep steelhead fishing open on tributaries. The Deschutes, Umatilla, John Day, Grand
February 8, 2023
The Siuslaw River runs past the city of Florence and then flows for 4 miles before reaching the Pacific ocean. Areas west of the 101 bridge feature excellent seasonal crabbing and even some good diving.
Crabbing can be good year-round but the best catches are in the winter. Tidal flats throughout the bay produce lots of gapers, cockles and softshell clams.
Umpqua River is one of Oregon's largest estuaries; however, high freshwater influence makes the bay seasonal for crabbing. Softshell clam populations in the Umpqua River are among the highest in the state, and they are large clams. Razor clams can be dug at the North Jetty of the Umpqua, though its a long drive down Sparrow Park Rd. (just north of Gardiner), then South along the beach about 8 miles.
Fall salmon fishing seasons in rivers along Oregon’s coast from Necanicum River to the Winchuck River depend on the outlook for wild Chinook and coho. Subscribe to this page for information on fall coastal salmon seasons. Sign up for email updates
July 30, 2024
Oregon’s Bowhunter Education Program teaches bowhunters the fundamentals of safe, responsible archery hunting and an appreciation and respect for the environment in which they hunt.
November 17, 2017
Poachers devastate mule deer herds in southeastern Oregon and brazenly shoot bighorn sheep in the north. Poaching is a problem in Oregon as hunters lose opportunities. To report poaching call *OSP or 1-800-452-7888
August 10, 2020
Please read these terms and conditions before submitting photos to ODFW for its use in web, print and other materials.
July 11, 2018
This map also includes the locations of ODFW offices, meat processor and taxidermists that are able to check your animal for CWD.
Oregon Open Fields is a grant that the A&H Program has been awarded from the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) through the Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program. First awarded in 2008 and renewed in the 2014 and 2020 Farm Bills, this program provides block grants to state agencies and tribes to increase public hunting access to private land and improve wildlife habitat on enrolled lands.
November 17, 2022
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a fatal disease infecting deer and elk across North America. While CWD has not yet been detected in Oregon, it has been found in three bordering states – Idaho, California, and Washington. We have a chance to manage CWD if both hunters and wildlife managers work together. Get your animals tested and educate yourself and others about CWD. Ways to Get Tested Check Results
ODFW wildlife biologists offer a look at the habitat conditions and hunting outlook for the upcoming season.
August 27, 2024