Bowhunter education is not required to hunt during archery-only seasons in Oregon. However completing Oregon’s Bowhunter Education Program can make you a more versatile and successful bowhunter.

In addition, several neighboring states do require bowhunter education. Bowhunters who are certified through Oregon’s Bowhunter Education Program will be qualified to hunt in all other states and Canadian Provinces.

Students in the Oregon Bowhunter Education Program get an introduction to bowhunting, and learn more about wildlife conservation, safe and responsible bowhunting, the parts of a bow and arrow, how to prepare for a hunt, hunting techniques, shot placement, game recovery and outdoor preparedness.

There are two options for completing this course:

  • A conventional classroom setting where direct instruction and hands-on learning take place during an eight-hour day, culminating in shooting your bow.
  • An online course and an online field day qualifier exam. You’ll then need to attend a 1/2-day field day to finish the hands-on and final exam requirements.

Learn more about Oregon’s Bowhunter Education Program, including how to register for the course.

If you want to learn more about bowhunting safety, archery pro shops and specialty sporting goods stores sometimes offer classes on the subject. Check out an archery pro shop near you.

Sport shows may also offer seminars on bowhunting safety, as well as other skills to help you become a more successful bowhunter.