November 17, 2017

Bow hunter education

Oregon’s Bowhunter Education Program teaches bowhunters the fundamentals of safe, responsible archery hunting and an appreciation and respect for the environment in which they hunt.


Bowhunter Education certification is not required to hunt during archery-only seasons in Oregon; however it is required in several surrounding states. (Hunter education is also required for anyone under age 18 to hunt in Oregon, including if the youth is bowhunting.) Information on states with mandatory bowhunter education requirements can be found at the IHEA’s Bowhunter Education Standards webpage. Oregon’s Bowhunter Education Certification is accepted in all other states and Canadian Provinces.

While Bowhunter Education is voluntary in Oregon, it is a great course that every hunter can benefit from. In fact, bowhunters who have completed the program are more successful at harvesting deer and elk than those who have not.

What You'll Learn

The Oregon Bowhunter Education Course consists of the following topics:

  • Introduction to bowhunting
  • Wildlife conservation
  • Safe and responsible bowhunting
  • Know your bow and arrow
  • Preparing for the hunt
  • Hunting from elevated stands and other bowhunting techniques
  • Shot placement and recovery techniques
  • Outdoor preparedness

The course is hands-on, and students will be required to shoot their own bows and arrows during class.

Course options and classes

There are two options for completing a Bowhunter Education Course in Oregon:

Conventional class option:

  • Incorporates classroom lecture and hands-on learning in one full day of instruction.
  • Conventional classes normally last approximately 8 hours. Cost: $10 payable to ODFW.
  • Bowhunter Education Courses and Field Day

Online class with field day option:

Students complete the classroom portion of the course online and must pass an online field day qualifier exam before attending a ½ day field day to complete the hands-on and final exam requirements.

  • Create a VEM Account
  • Complete an Online Bowhunter Education Course.
    • To receive credit for completing the online class, a prerequisite to attending the required field day, students must complete the online course and pass the online Field Day Qualifier Exam. Upon successful completion of this exam, students must be able to print a Field Day Qualifier Certificate. This certificate is required for admittance to the field day. If you have successfully completed the online class and have difficulty printing your certificate, please call the course provider at 1-800-830-2268.
  • Register for an in-person Bowhunter Field Day and bring proof of completion of your online course.
    • STOP! If you have not registered for a field day, please scroll down on this page to view the available Internet Field Day listings. Completing the Online Course does not guarantee you registration in a field day!
    • Field days normally last approximately 4 hours. Cost: $10 payable to ODFW and $20 payable to online course provider.

Register for Bowhunter Education classes and Field Days online

Here is how to register:

  • See what Bowhunter Education Courses or Field Days to the Bowhunter Ed class are available by clicking here. Click here to register.

How to Register for a Bowhunter Education Class or Field Day  

Information for the class instructor and date, time, location of class is printed on the receipt.

These programs are funded by the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (Pittman-Robertson) and the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act (Wallop-Breaux).