Wild spring Chinook harvest will be closed on mainstem Umpqua, bag limit reduced on North Umpqua.

Sturgeon retention now closed in Bonneville and The Dalles pools after record opening day.

Beginning Dec. 1, temporary wild winter steelhead harvest restrictions will be in affect on Illinois, Rogue rivers.

Razor clam harvesting is now closed from Cascade Head to the California border the Oregon Department of Agriculture and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announced today.

Includes updates to fishing, crabbing and clamming


You're running out time to report your hunt

Report your hunt by Jan. 31. If you bought a tag to hunt in 2024, you must report your hunt by Jan. 31, 2025 – even if you didn't hunt or harvest an animal. Here's information on who needs to report and how to do it.

Best bets for weekend fishing

With rivers running low and clear, winter steelhead fishing has been challenging. What to do instead? Here are some ideas.

  • Change up your steelhead gear and tactics to match the conditions. Use light lines and small lures, be stealthy, look for fish holding in deeper pools.
  • Do some studying. The ODFW YouTube channel has dozens of where-to and how-to steelhead fishing videos. Find a new tip to try when the water conditions improve.
  • Think smaller. Native redband trout in eastside rivers, or holdover hatchery trout in lower elevation reservoirs can offer a challenging and rewarding alternative when steelhead fishing is slow.
  • Pull out the snowmobile suit – it's the perfect cold-weather costume for ice fishing. A few frozen lakes are already seeing ice-anglers. If you venture out, be sure to follow these ice fishing safety tips from the Minnesota DNR – where they know a bit about ice.