Hunting involves a deadly weapon that can kill more than just your target. Hunting and handling your gun safely MUST be a top priority.
Start by learning these four gun safety fundamentals and you’ll be well on you way to a lifetime of safe hunting.
If you’re new to hunting, a hunter education class can be a great way to learn about, and PRACTICE, hunting safety concepts.
Hunter education is required for hunters younger than 17, but plenty of adults take it, too. You can take a course in person, online or with a workbook. In each case, you also must complete a hunter education field day where you will practice and be tested on how well you handle a gun.
You can learn more about the different ways to take hunter education, and find a list of upcoming class, on
If you’ve never handled a shotgun before, they can be a little intimidating. That’s why ODFW offers basic shotgun skills classes throughout the year to help increase your comfort level with shotguns. In these classes you’ll learn how to handle a shotgun safely, and get plenty of practice actually shooting a gun.
ODFW provides the all guns, ammo, safety equipment, and coaching and instruction you’ll need to help hone your shooting skills.