Hunting involves a deadly weapon that can kill more than just your target. Hunting and handling your gun safely MUST be a top priority.

Start with the fundamentals

Start by learning these four gun safety fundamentals and you’ll be well on you way to a lifetime of safe hunting.

  1. Assume all guns are always loaded. The primary benefit of handling all guns as if they were loaded, is that it will help you develop safe gun handling habits.
  2. Never let the muzzle of the gun (the shooting end) point at something you’re not willing to shoot. Often referred to as “muzzle control.” This also means carrying your gun so it’s not pointing at someone, and not swinging the muzzle through a person as you mount the gun to take a shot.
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger and out of the trigger guard until you’re ready to shoot. This can be harder than it sounds because most of us have a natural inclination to put our finger on the trigger whenever we pick up a weapon. Instead, teach yourself to rest your index finger straight along the side of the receiver until you’re ready to shoot.
  4. Be sure you’ve correctly identified your target (is that a gobbler or hen turkey, or even a decoy), and know what’s behind it. Your shot may miss, or pass through the target, so make sure there’s nothing behind it that you don’t want to shoot.

Consider taking a hunter education

If you’re new to hunting, a hunter education class can be a great way to learn about, and PRACTICE, hunting safety concepts.

Hunter education is required for hunters younger than 17, but plenty of adults take it, too. You can take a course in person, online or with a workbook. In each case, you also must complete a hunter education field day where you will practice and be tested on how well you handle a gun.

You can learn more about the different ways to take hunter education, and find a list of upcoming class, on

Sign up for a shotgun skills class

If you’ve never handled a shotgun before, they can be a little intimidating. That’s why ODFW offers basic shotgun skills classes throughout the year to help increase your comfort level with shotguns. In these classes you’ll learn how to handle a shotgun safely, and get plenty of practice actually shooting a gun.

ODFW provides the all guns, ammo, safety equipment, and coaching and instruction you’ll need to help hone your shooting skills.