General Season Antlerless Elk Damage tag
Due to increasing numbers of elk on private land and chronic elk damage, ODFW is piloting a new general season elk damage tag

In a nutshell:
- These tags are a hunter’s only elk hunting opportunity for the year, and cannot be used in addition to other general season or controlled elk hunt tags.
- These over-the-counter tags can be purchased throughout the hunting season.
- Tags may be used in any of the hunt areas shown on the map below.
- The vast majority of these hunts are on private land. Do not purchase a tag unless you already have access to a place to hunt.
- Bag limit is one antlerless elk.
The new General Season Antlerless Elk Damage tag is a new approach to using hunting as management tool in areas of chronic elk damage. The general season antlerless elk damage tag replaces 19 controlled hunts and will replace the need for Landowner Damage Program tags in the areas and during the time periods of the hunts.
These hunts are a tool for hunters and landowners to directly work together to reduce elk damage. The hunt areas are nearly 100 percent private, largely agricultural lands. ODFW staff will not be able to assist you with finding a place to hunt. Elk numbers are highly variable within the hunt areas as many of the areas are designated as elk de-emphasis areas.
Printable map
Hunt area maps (GeoPDFs*)
*GeoPDFs can display location, mark way points, and check boundaries using a smartphone or tablet even when offline when using apps such as Avenza Maps or Paper Maps.
- Statewide Map of all the Hunts (view map)
- Columbia Plateau (view map)
- Evans Creek (view map)
- Grande Ronde/Baker/Keating – north (view map)
- Grande Ronde/Baker/Keating – south (view map)
- Halfway Valley (view map)
- John Day (view map)
- Melrose (view map)
- Richland Valley (view map)
- Ukiah/Heppner (view map)
- Walla Walla (view map)
- Wallowa Valley (view map)
- Willamette Valley – north (view map)
- Willamette Valley – south (view map)