Hunters: Return black-tailed deer teeth
Information gleaned from the teeth of harvested black-tail deer will help ODFW biologists learn more about the deer population.
ODFW needs black-tailed deer teeth to better estimate the population of this species. Follow the directions below to remove a tooth, then wrap it in a paper towel to protect it and return it in an envelope to ODFW Wildlife Population Lab, 7118 NE Vandenberg Ave, Adair Village, OR 97330. Include the following information with the tooth: your name, address, date of kill, species killed, sex of animal, maximum number of antler points on one side and wildlife management unit or hunt where harvested.
Pre-paid, pre-addressed envelopes for teeth are available at ODFW offices (though offices remain closed at least through Dec. 31, 2021) and many license sales agents. Hunters that submit teeth will receive a postcard with information about their animal after about nine months.