July 11, 2022

Oregon furbearer hunting and trapping regulations

July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2024

Furbearer hunting and trapping regulations are issued ever other year.

Report your harvest

Print these regulations

Table of contents:

License requirements Bobcat and river otter regulations
Trapper education Special area regulations
Mandatory annual reporting Definitions
General regulations For bobcat hunters/trappers
Harvest seasons Trapper's code of ethics
Pursuit seasons What to know about wolves

License requirements

Juveniles younger than 12 years of age are not required to purchase a license, except to hunt or trap bobcat and river otter.  However, they must register to receive a brand number through the Salem ODFW office.  To trap bobcat or river otter, juveniles must complete the trapper education course. Juveniles 17 and younger must have completed hunter education to obtain a furtaker’s license.

Landowners must obtain either a furtaker’s license, a hunting license for furbearers, or a free license to take furbearers on land they own and on which they reside.  To receive the free license and brand number, the landowner must obtain from the Salem ODFW Headquarters office, a receipt of registration for the location of such land prior to hunting or trapping furbearing mammals on that land.

Attention! Paperless Licenses are coming your way and your email address is needed. If you are a current participant in the ODFW Furbearer Program you will receive information in your license renewal packets. Email addresses can also be added by updating your account information on the Online Furtaker Harvest Report website. If you are new to the Furbearer Program at ODFW please contact License Services at (503) 947-6100 or go to ODFW.com for more information.


  • Furtakers need either a Furtaker’s License or a Hunting License for Furbearers. Licenses are available for sale on June 1.
  • A Furtakers License allows the holder to trap, hunt, and pursue.
  • A Hunting License for Furbearers allows the holder only to hunt and pursue.
  • A unique brand number will be issued to a person the first time they obtain a license. Like the Oregon Hunter/Angler ID number, the brand number is assigned to the individual furtaker for life.
  • A general hunting license does not allow the holder to trap, hunt or pursue furbearers, but only to hunt unprotected mammals (see definition on page 7).

Resident Furtaker’s License



Bobcat Record Card                                                    $37.50

(Hunting License for Furbearers or Furtaker’s License required)

Nonresident Furtaker’s License



River Otter Record Card                                              $37.50

(Hunting License for Furbearers or Furtaker’s License required)

Resident Hunting License for Furbearers



Fur Dealer’s License


Juvenile Furtaker’s License (Age 12-17)



Juveniles Younger than 12 (See license requirements above)

The above license and record card fees each include a $2.00 license agent fee. Further information on licenses and tags is available by writing or telephoning Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Licensing Section, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem, OR 97302, (503) 947-6101.

Trapper education requirement

By action of the 1985 Oregon Legislature, all trappers born after June 30, 1968, and all first-time Oregon trappers of any age are required to complete an approved trapper education course.

The study guide may be completed at home.  Testing will take place at Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) offices throughout the state. A furtaker’s license will be issued by the Salem ODFW Headquarters office after the test has been successfully completed and mailed to Salem headquarters, and the license application with payment has been received. Course materials are available by writing or telephoning Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, I&E Division, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem, OR 97302, (800) 720-6339 x76002.

The course is not required of persons trapping on land owned or leased by that person, the person’s immediate family, or a person’s agent who is controlling damage to livestock or agricultural crops.

Mandatory annual reporting

Persons who were licensed, but did not fill out and return a completed Furtaker Harvest Report postmarked or submitted online by April 15, will not be issued a furtaker license for the following season unless they complete and return the late Harvest Report form and application with a $50.00 fee at time of renewal.

General furbearer regulations

Any person possessing a valid furtaker’s license or hunting license for furbearers is required to complete and return the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Furtaker Harvest Report form, postmarked by April 15, 2021 for the 2020-2021 season and April 15, 2022 for the 2021-2022 season. Trappers and hunters may also report their harvest online.

Report your harvest

Failure to report harvest will deny the license holder the opportunity to purchase a hunting license for furbearers or furtakers license for the following furbearer season unless the late Harvest Report form and application is submitted with a $50.00 fee at the time of renewal.

General regulations and licensing

  • The appropriate Furtaker’s License or Hunting License for Furbearers must be in possession to hunt and/or trap furbearers or salvage roadkill.
  • It is unlawful to alter, borrow, loan or transfer to another person any license, permit or unused tag issued by the Commission.
  • Any person(s) acting as an agent for a landowner shall have in their possession written authority from the landowner or lawful occupant of the land.  Such written authority shall contain at least all of the following:
    • The date of issuance of the authorization;
    • The name, address and telephone number of the person granting the authorization;
    • The name, address and telephone number of the person whom the authorization is granted, and
    • The expiration date of the authorization, which shall be not later than one year from the date of issuance of the authorization.

Furbearer hunting

  • No person shall hunt any wildlife from a motor propelled vehicle.  Exception: Landowners or agents hunting predatory animals on land they own or lawfully occupy, or a qualified disabled hunter may obtain an Oregon Disabilities Hunting and Fishing Permit to hunt from a motor vehicle except while the vehicle is in motion or on any public road or highway.
  • Bobcat, opossum and raccoon may be hunted with the aid of an artificial light provided the light is not cast from or attached to a motor vehicle or boat.
  • Use of dogs is permitted to hunt or pursue bobcat, raccoon, fox, and unprotected mammals.
  • It is unlawful to waste the pelt of any furbearer except when authorized by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Traps and trapping

  • All traps and snares, whether set for furbearing or unprotected mammals, must be legibly marked or branded with the owner’s license number that has been assigned by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife; except that unmarked traps or snares may be set for unprotected mammals by any person or member of their immediate family upon land that they lawfully own.
  • No branded trap or snare may be sold unless accompanied by a uniform bill of sale.
  • It is unlawful for any person to trap for furbearers, predatory animals, and/or unprotected mammals using:
    • A steel foothold trap with a jaw spread greater than nine (9) inches.
    • A No. 3 or larger longspring foothold trap or any foothold trap with an inside jaw spread at dog greater than six inches (6”) not having a jaw spacing of at least 3/16 of one inch when the trap is sprung (measurement excludes pads on padded jaw traps) and when the set is not capable of drowning the trapped animal.
    • Flesh of any game bird, game fish or game mammal for trap bait.
    • Any killing trap having a jaw spread of seven and one half inches (7.5”) or more in any land set except when authorized by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.
    • Any toothed trap or trap with a protuberance of the facing edge of the jaws that is intended to hold the animal, except pads on padded jaw traps.
    • Or possessing the branded traps or snares of another unless in possession of written permission from the person to whom the brand is registered.
    • Sight bait within 15 feet of any foothold trap set for carnivores.
  • On state or federal lands, except when authorized by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, no traps or snares may be set on land:
    • Within 50 feet of any public trail (see definition on page 7);
    • Within 300 feet of any trailhead that is designated and maintained as such by the public land management agency and is accessible to vehicular traffic (see definition on page 7);
    • Within 300 feet of any public campground or picnic area designated and maintained as such by the public land management agency on the most current official map of the agency; or
    • Within 500 feet of the center of the mouth of an Oregon Department of Transportation wildlife crossing structure located between US Highway 97 mile posts 149 and 153.
  • An artificial light may be used to provide light to aid in the dispatch of animals legally restrained in a trap or snare.
  • It is unlawful to disturb or remove the traps or snares of any licensed trapper while that person is trapping on public lands or on other land by landowner’s permission.
  • It is unlawful for any person to damage or destroy any muskrat house at any time except where such muskrat house is an obstruction to a private or public ditch or watercourse.
  • The use of traps or snares suspended in trees is prohibited in the Siskiyou and Siuslaw National Forests.
  • The general furbearer regulations do not apply to the trapping of gophers, moles, ground squirrels and mountain beaver (boomer).
  • REMINDER: The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Oregon Administrative Rule 374.305 prohibits the public from trapping on ODOT property without first obtaining written permission from ODOT. This includes ODOT highway right-of-ways.

Trap check requirements

  • All traps or snares set or used for the taking of furbearing or unprotected mammals shall be inspected at least every 48 hours and all trapped animals removed.
  • Any person setting a trap for predatory animals, as defined in ORS 610.002, must check the trap as follows:
    • For restraining traps and snares, at least once every 48 hours and remove all animals.
    • For killing traps and snares, at least once every 14 days and remove all animals.
    • For restraining traps and snares set by a person owning, leasing, occupying, possessing or having charge of or dominion over any land, building, structure, wharf, pier or dock or their agent, and set for predatory animals damaging land, livestock or agricultural or forest crops, shall be checked at least once every seven (7) days.

Possession and sale

  • Any person may sell or exchange the hide, carcass or any part thereof of any legally taken furbearing or unprotected mammal, except that a licensed furtaker, who is not the landowner or agent addressing damage, that traps a beaver on privately owned forestland other than “small forestland” may not sell or exchange the pelt of the beaver. Pursuant to Senate Bill 1501 (2022), “small forestland” means forestland whose owner owns or holds common ownership interest in less than 5,000 acres of forestland in this state.
  • A licensed furtaker may sell or exchange, and any person may purchase, road-killed furbearers or unprotected mammals, provided that:
    • The road-kill is taken by a licensed furtaker during an authorized season for hunting or trapping the species, and;
    • The sale is made by the licensed furtaker who took the road-kill.
  • When any furbearer or raw furbearer pelt is transferred to the possession of another person, a written record indicating the name and address of the person from whom the raw pelt was obtained shall accompany such transfer and remain with same so long as preserved in raw pelt form.
  • Any person may purchase unprocessed furbearing or unprotected mammal pelts, provided that such pelts are purchased from the furtaker who legally took the furbearer and that the pelts are purchased for personal use and not for resale.  For any furbearer pelt purchased under this section, the purchaser must retain a record of the furtaker’s brand.
  • No person, except a licensed furtaker during an authorized season, shall possess or transport any furbearer or part thereof, which has been road-killed, found or killed for humane reasons, unless they have notified and received permission from personnel of the Oregon State Police or the Department of Fish and Wildlife prior to transporting.

Additional notes:

Fisher conservation

  • Fisher are listed as a Conservation Strategy Species in Oregon and there is no open season. Numerous fisher research projects are underway in the Klamath Plateau and Cascade and Siskiyou Mountains.  Please assist in the conservation of this species by reporting observations of fisher or their tracks to ODFW.
  • Non-federal landowners in western Oregon, including Oregon Department of Forestry, private timberland owners, and others, have or may be in the process of acquiring permits from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for a Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances (CCAA) for fisher in Oregon.  This agreement requires landowners to implement conservation measures to aid in fisher conservation and in return, safeguards these landowners from additional restrictions should the fisher be listed under the federal Endangered Species Act.  One component of the CCAA is to restrict trapping activities near known, occupied fisher dens.  In order for landowners to be in compliance with the CCAA, trappers should communicate with them if they intend to trap on those lands during fisher denning period (March 15 to September 30).

Trap jaw spread measurement 

Illustration of a foothold trap
Foothold trap - Measure the inside of the jaw at the dog to the opposite inside jaw.
illustration of a killing trap
Measure the jaw spread by measuring inside jaw to inside jaw. (Conibear(TM) type trap shown.)







Online resources

Harvest seasons


Open seasons

Open areas and special regulations


December 1 through February 28

WESTERN OREGON: No bag limit. All counties west of the summit of the Cascades, except Klamath and Hood River Counties. See page 5 for special bobcat regulations.


December 1 through February 28

EASTERN OREGON: Bag Limit: Five (5) bobcats. All counties east of the summit of the Cascades, including all of Klamath and Hood River Counties. See page 5 for special bobcat regulations.

Gray fox and red fox

October 15 through February 28

Entire state



November 1 through January 31

Areas east of Interstate 5. The Department requests that furtakers provide marten carcasses and the date, location of harvest, and sex be turned in to the local ODFW office prior to March 1, following each season.  Furtaker cooperation is critical for successful future management of this species.

Muskrat and mink

November 15 through March 31

Entire state


November 15 through March 15

Entire state

River otter

November 15 through March 15

Entire state except for all areas closed to beaver trapping (see below).  See page 5 for special river otter regulations.

Fisher, ringtail, wolverine, kit fox, Canada lynx and sea otter

Closed season entire year.

Any incidental capture or other forms of take must be reported to ODFW within 48 hours.

Badger, coyote, nutria, opossum, porcupine, spotted skunk, striped skunk and weasel

Open season entire year.

Requires appropriate Furtaker’s License to trap (also allows hunting), or appropriate Hunting License for Furbearer’s or general Hunting License to hunt these species.


November 15 through March 15 in the described areas below.

See below.

Attention Coastal Beaver Trappers:  ODFW requests your continued cooperation in protecting beaver dams in coastal areas important to Coho salmon rearing.  If you are not familiar with this program, which was initiated in 1998, please contact your local ODFW biologist.  Field offices are listed on page 6.​​​​​​

Areas open to beaver harvest 

Clackamas County: All areas open except the Mt. Hood National Forest.

Crook County: All areas open except Prineville Reservoir (high water line) and the Ochoco National Forest.

Curry County: All areas open except the Rogue River from the east county line to the mouth.

Grant County: All areas open except the Ochoco National Forest; Murderers Creek and Deer Creek tributaries of the South Fork John Day River, within the Malheur National Forest.

Jefferson County: All areas open except that portion of the Willow Creek watershed on the Crooked River National Grasslands.

Josephine County: All areas open except the Rogue River from the confluence of Grave Creek downstream to the county line.

Union County: All open except National Forest lands (private inholdings within the National Forest remain open); Grande Ronde River above Beaver Creek; and all tributaries of the Grande Ronde River above the confluence of Five Points Creek.

Wallowa County: All open except Peavine Creek (tributary of Chesnimnus Creek), Minam River watershed, Wallowa River watershed above Wallowa Lake, and those portions of the Lostine River, Hurricane Creek, and Bear Creek watersheds within the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest.

Wheeler County: All areas open except the Ochoco National Forest and Bridge Creek and its tributaries on Bureau of Land Management lands.

Other Counties: All of the following counties are open in their entirety: Baker, Benton, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Deschutes, Douglas, Gilliam, Harney, Hood River, Jackson, Klamath, Lake, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Malheur, Marion, Morrow, Multnomah, Polk, Sherman, Tillamook, Umatilla, Wasco, Washington and Yamhill.

Statewide pursuit seasons 

During open Pursuit Seasons no animals shall be killed except during authorized open harvest seasons.  A record card must be in possession to harvest bobcat.  A Furtaker’s License or Hunting License for Furbearers must be in possession to hunt or pursue.

Bobcat P\pursuit season

September 1 through February 28 

Fox pursuit season

September 1 through February 28 

Raccoon pursuit season

September 1 through March 15

Special bobcat and river otter regulations 

Bobcat-River Otter Record Card

  • Each person desiring to take bobcat or river otter must secure a bobcat or river otter record card prior to hunting, trapping, or roadkill salvage.
  • Bobcat record cards will be available for a fee of $37.50 per card.
  • River otter cards will be available for a fee of $37.50 per card.
  • Record cards will be available at the Salem ODFW Headquarters and the Bend, Clackamas, La Grande and Roseburg offices of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.
  • Each western Oregon bobcat record card will have spaces for recording 15 bobcats.  No limit on purchase of western Oregon bobcat record cards.
  • Each statewide Oregon bobcat record card will have spaces for recording five (5) bobcats.  No more than one card for statewide Oregon bobcats will be issued to any furtaker or furbearer hunter.
  • No person may purchase or possess both statewide and western Oregon bobcat record cards.
  • River otter cards will have spaces for recording 15 river otter. No limit on purchase of river otter record cards.
  • Upon coming into possession of any bobcat or river otter, the furtaker who killed the animal shall immediately write on their record card the species, sex, date of possession and county of harvest.
  • Each furtaker must have the appropriate record card in possession while trapping or hunting bobcat or river otter.
  • Furtakers shall not have record cards other than their own on their person or in their possession while in the field or in transit.
  • Duplicate cards will be issued, but no more than five (5) statewide Oregon bobcats may be taken in a season.
  • Bobcat and river otter record cards will not be sold after the end of their respective seasons.
  • Fees paid for unused record cards will not be refunded.
  • It is illegal to alter or be in possession of an altered record card.
  • The record card must be retained until disposal of raw pelts.
  • Record cards do not need to be submitted with the Furtaker Report.             

Additional regulations

  • Raw pelts taken prior to September 1, 1982 may not be sold unless they were metal sealed by the Oregon State Police or Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife prior to that date.
  • Those persons failing to comply with Special Bobcat and River Otter Regulations may be subject to penalties provided in ORS 496.992 and may not be issued a license for the following furbearer season.

To qualify for ownership tag

  • The lower jawbone, including both canine teeth, must be surrendered to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and information on sex, date of catch, and county of harvest must be attached to each individual Oregon bobcat and river otter jaw to qualify for ownership tags.
  • A record card with required species, sex, date of possession and county must be presented to obtain ownership tag.

Ownership tag

  • The ownership tag will be affixed by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife personnel at district and regional offices and shall remain so affixed while the pelt is in raw form.
  • May be used as a foreign export tag.
  • Authorizes the holder to sell one bobcat or river otter.
  • Each person must have an ownership tag affixed to their bobcat or river otter pelt at an Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife district or regional office within five (5) business days after the season ends. A list of department offices is on page 6.  Tagging is by appointment only.
  • It shall be illegal to possess a harvested bobcat or river otter after five (5) business days following the season closure without an ownership tag.
  • It shall be illegal to sell or remove from the state a harvested bobcat or river otter pelt without the respective year’s ownership tag.

Locations to obtain bobcat and river otter ownership tags 

Tagging Deadlines:  Each person must have an ownership tag affixed to their bobcat or river otter pelt by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife within five (5) business days after the season ends.  Tagging is by appointment only.







2995 Hughes Lane
Baker City, OR 97814

(541) 523-5832



61374 Parrell Road
Bend, OR 97702

(541) 388-6363

Tagging on Mondays
10 am to 4 pm


1495 Gregory Road
Central Point, OR 97502

(541) 826-8774



63538 Boat Basin Drive
PO Box 5003, Charleston, OR 97420

(541) 888-5515



17330 SE Evelyn Street
Clackamas, OR 97015

(971) 673-6000



7118 NE Vandeberg Avenue
Corvallis, OR 97330-9446

(541) 757-4186

*Adair Village- 8 miles north of Corvallis on US 99W


65495 Alder Slope Road
Enterprise, OR 97828

(541) 426-3279



29907 Airport Way
Gold Beach, OR 97444

(541) 247-7605



54173 Hwy 74, Box 363
Heppner, OR 97836

(541) 676-5230



237 Hwy 20 South, PO Box 8
Hines, OR 97738

(541) 573-6582



79878  Hwy 202
Seaside, OR 97138

(503) 755-2264



305 N Canyon City Blvd.
Canyon City, OR 97820

(541) 575-1167



1850 Miller Island Road, West
Klamath Falls, OR 97603

(541) 883-5732



107 20th Street
La Grande, OR 97850

(541) 963-2138

Tagging on Mondays
8 am to 5 pm


18560 Roberta Rd
Lakeview, OR 97630

(541) 947-2950



2040 SE Marine Science Drive
Newport, OR 97365

(541) 867-4741



3814 Clark Blvd.
Ontario, OR 97914

(541) 889-6975



73471 Mytinger Lane
Pendleton, OR 97801

(541) 276-2344



2042 SE Paulina Highway
Prineville, OR 97754

(541) 447-5111



4192 N Umpqua Hwy
Roseburg, OR 97470

(541) 440-3353

Tagging on Mondays
8 am to 5 pm


18330 NW Sauvie Island Road
Portland, OR 97231

(503) 621-3488



3150 East Main Street
Springfield, OR 97478

(541) 726-3515



53447 Hwy 31
Summer Lake, OR 97640

(541) 943-3324



3701 West 13th
The Dalles, OR 97058

(541) 296-4628

Tagging on Mondays
8 am to 12 pm


4907 3rd Street
Tillamook, OR 97141

(503) 842-2741



7830 Dodson Rd
Tygh Valley, OR 97063

(541) 544-2126


Special area trapping and hunting regulations 

The following areas are closed to all trapping and hunting referred to in these regulations except as authorized by special permit:

 Denman Wildlife Area

E. E. Wilson Wildlife Area

Enterprise Wildlife Area south of U.P. Railroad, Marr Tract

Fern Ridge Wildlife Area

Irrigon Wildlife Area

Jewell Meadows Wildlife Area

Klamath Wildlife Area

Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area

Rimrock Springs Wildlife Area

Sauvie Island Wildlife Area

Summer Lake Wildlife Area

St. Louis Ponds

Tillicum Natural Area

McDonald Forest
(Oregon State University)

Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area
(closed to trapping only)

Federal refuges

North Bank Habitat Management Area (BLM)

Metolius Wildlife Refuge

Public campgrounds

National, state and
public parks


City and municipal watersheds now in refuge

Within city boundaries

School lands

Exceptions: Furbearers and unprotected mammals may be trapped and hunted in state refuges (except those listed above as closed to all hunting or trapping) during open harvest seasons between November 1 and March 31.


EASTERN OREGON:  All counties east of the summit of the Cascades, including all of Klamath and Hood River Counties.

FURBEARERS or FURBEARING MAMMALS:  Beaver, bobcat, fisher, marten, mink, muskrat, river otter, raccoon, red fox and gray fox.  For any person owning, leasing, occupying, possessing or having charge or dominion over any land (or an agent of this person) who is taking or attempting to take beaver or muskrat on that property, these two species are considered to be predatory animals.

HUNT:  Take or attempt to take any wildlife by means involving the use of a weapon or with the assistance of any mammal or bird.

KILLING TRAP:  A device used to kill a mammal as part of a killing trap system.  A killing trap system is a system set with the intent to kill a mammal comprising a combination of:  equipment (the trap and trigger configuration), and set (including site modifications, lures, baits, location and other relevant requirements).

LAND SET:  Is any set with a trap or snare other than a water set.

PREDATORY ANIMALS:  Include coyotes, feral swine, rabbits, rodents, and birds (excluding game birds) which are or may be destructive to agricultural crops, products and activities. (See Unprotected Mammals definition to learn which Predatory Animals are classified as unprotected mammals on public land. Note: For these regulations, coyotes are unprotected mammals on public land. )

PUBLIC TRAIL:  Any trail designated, maintained, mapped and marked by any state or federal land management agency on the most current official map of the agency; for the purposes of trapping, water way, water trails designated for floating craft and public roadways are not considered a “public trail”.

RAW PELT:  Any pelt that has not been processed or converted to any usable form beyond initial cleaning, stretching and drying.

RESIDENT:  A person who has resided in Oregon for at least six (6) consecutive months immediately prior to the date of making application for a license, tag or permit.  Resident license and tags may also be purchased by: 

1.  Members of the Armed Forces of the United States who:

  • Are permanently assigned to active duty in their state, and their spouse and dependent childrenReside in this state while assigned to duty at any base, station, shore establishment or other facility in this state.
  • Reside in this state while serving as members of the crew of a shop that has an Oregon port or shore establishment as its home port or permanent station.
  • Reside in a foreign country and establish Oregon residency by filing Oregon state income taxes no later than 12 months before leaving active duty.
  • Armed Forces includes Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard, or their reserve components; the National Guard or Oregon National Guard.

2.  Aliens attending school in Oregon under a foreign student exchange program.

RIVER:  The portion of a natural water body lying below the level of bankfull stage. Bankfull stage means the stage or elevation at which overflow of the natural banks or a stream or body of water begins to inundate the upland.

RESTRAINING TRAP:  A device used to capture and restrain (but not kill) a mammal as part of a restraining trap system.  A restraining trap system is a system set with the intent to capture and restrain (but not kill) a mammal comprising a combination of: equipment (the trap and the trigger configuration), and set (including site modification, lures, baits, location and other relevant requirements.)

SIGHT BAIT:  Exposed flesh bait including whole animal carcasses within 15 feet of any foothold trap set for carnivores.

TAKE:  To kill or obtain possession or control of any wildlife.

TRAILHEAD:  “Trailhead”, for the purposes of trapping, is the area beginning at the sign marking the origin of a public trail or segment of trail which is designated, maintained, mapped, and marked by at least one visible sign and includes any adjacent improved graveled or paved vehicle parking lot.  The standard shoulder of the road is not considered part of the trailhead.  Trailheads are marked by at least one visible sign posted by the responsible state or federal land management agency and identified on the most current official map of the agency.  A trailhead does not include junctions between trails (posted or not) where there is no motorized vehicle access, or intersections where a trail crosses a road, or locations where users have developed an access point, but no improvements have been provided beyond minimal signage for public safety.

UNPROTECTED MAMMALS: Badger, coyote, gophers, moles, mountain beaver, nutria, opossum, porcupine, spotted skunk, striped skunk, weasel and yellow-bellied marmot.  For any person owning, leasing, occupying, possessing or having charge or dominion over any land (or an agent of this person) who is taking or attempting to take coyote, gopher, mountain beaver (boomer), marmot, nutria, or porcupine on that property, these six species are considered to be predatory animals.

WATER SET:  “Water set” is any trap or snare originally set within a permanent water source or a seasonal water source when water is present, such that at least a portion of the trap jaws or snare loop is submerged.  If water levels fluctuate, any killing trap with a jaw spread of 9" or more originally set in a water set must be removed or adjusted such that at least a portion of the trap jaws are submerged at the next required trap-check except in tidally influenced areas when set below the mean high water mark.

WESTERN OREGON:  All counties west of the summit of the Cascades except Klamath and Hood River Counties.

Furtaker harvest report information 

UPDATE: ODFW created an online reporting system that allows licensed furtakers to submit their Furtaker Harvest Report online.  Submitting a paper report is still an option, although online submission is preferred.  Be sure to include your email address in your furtaker license application and Harvest Report to receive email confirmation that your report has been received.

This section contains information on how to complete your Furtaker Harvest Report Form.  If you have any questions please contact the Furbearer Program Coordinator at (503) 947-6301. If you lose your form, a new one can be found on the ODFW Website: https://myodfw.com/articles/furbearer-trapping-and-hunting. Faxed reports can be sent to (503) 947-6330.

Your furtaker harvest report provides valuable information to ensure sound management of Oregon's furbearers. 

Harvest report instructions:

  • Print your name, brand number, and email.
  • If you did not participate in any of the seasons, and did not pick up any road kills, check the box “I Did Not Hunt or Trap” and mail the report form.  Check the ODFW Website to see if inline reporting has become an option.
  • If you participated in any season you must complete the form as follows, even if you did not harvest an animal.

County: Enter the county of harvest next to the appropriate species.  If you need space for additional counties please attach additional form(s).
Harvest: Enter the total number harvested in each county by method of harvest. If harvest is zero, put 0.  If an animal was released from a trap or hunted/treed but not harvested, enter that number in the Number Released column and not the Number Harvested column. ​​​​​Nights trapped and days hunted should be reported for target species only, even if you were unsuccessful.   Also report the average number of traps set each night.  Please refer to the examples on the following page.
Pursuit Season: Record activity anytime you pursue, even if you have no intention of harvesting an animal.
Road Kills: Record all road-killed furbearers or unprotected mammals that you take into possession.

3. Any beaver taken during the harvest season must include information on the location of the take and if the take occurred to address damage.

4. Any beaver taken outside of the harvest season on privately owned forestland must be reported to the local ODFW office and should not be included in a furtaker harvest report.

Example of how to fill out the Furtaker Harvest Report.

See the sample Furtaker Harvest Report Form

  • This furtaker trapped 12 beaver in Lane County and 8 in Douglas County.  Traps were set in each county for 23 days.
  • The furtaker averaged 21 traps in Lane County and 16 traps in Douglas County each night he trapped.
  • They spent 6 days with an average of 6 traps set per night trying to trap gray fox in Polk County.
  • The furtaker had hounds and hunted bobcat and raccoon in 2 counties over 4 days during the season.  They recorded the days spent in both counties for both species.  He treed and harvested 3 raccoon but did not tree nor harvest any bobcats.
  • They spent 2 days training their dogs during the pursuit season in Yamhill County.  They treed and released 2 bobcats.
  • They harvested 1 muskrat and 14 nutria in Lane County, but reported no effort because they were taken while beaver trapping.
  • One weekend was spent calling in coyotes in Lane County.  They called in and harvested 1 coyote.
  • The furtaker took a road-killed badger into possession in Umatilla County.
  • Two striped skunk were captured and released while attempting to trap gray fox in Polk County.

Attention bobcat hunters and trappers

In March 2000, the Canada lynx was listed as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act in 14 states, including Oregon. There are no known lynx populations in Oregon at this time, however, individual lynx are known to disperse into Oregon occasionally.

Although rare, the potential exists for Oregon bobcat trappers and hunters to encounter a lynx. Trappers and hunters must know the difference between lynx and bobcat and their sign to avoid catching or killing a lynx. Please contact ODFW should you see a lynx or its sign.

illustration pointing out the physical differences between lynx and bobcat





Gray to light brown.
Spots light or absent.

Highly variable, range silver to reddish brown.
Spotting on belly and legs.


Entire tip black, no barring.

Tip black on top only, light underneath, usually barred on top.


Appear too large for size of the animal.

Proportional to size of animal.


Hind legs disproportionately long, resulting in stooped appearance.

Shoulders and hips often on same plane. In winter, can have stocky appearance when belly fur is long.

 Track comparison

illustration showing the size of a bobcattrack
illustration showing the size of a lynx track

Note:  Lynx tracks are similar in size to cougar.  Pad impressions are less distinct on lynx due to heavy fur on feet.
Track data: Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, 1999




Recommendations to avoid lynx in trap sets

  • Do not set traps or snares for bobcats where lynx tracks are observed or lynx are known to be present.
  • Use a #2 or smaller foothold trap, or padded #3 foothold trap.
  • Make marten sets on leaning poles no larger than 6 inches in diameter with trap and bait placed at least three feet above the ground or snow level.
  • Do not suspend flags or sight-attractants near traps.
  • Use tainted baits and avoid using parts of rabbits or hares as baits.

Preventing injury and releasing lynx from traps

  • Check your traps frequently on a regular basis and carry a catchpole to release lynx and other non-target species.
  • Stake the trap so that a lynx cannot get entangled around a solid object (even a small sapling) after being captured.
  • Traps should have tethering chains no longer than 18 inches and chains should include at least two swivels.
  • Trappers must contact ODFW within 48 hours to report the observation.

Trapper's code of ethics 

This code of ethics was created in a joint effort by Oregon Trappers Association and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.

  • Set traps only in appropriate locations.  Avoid setting traps near high public use areas such as hiking trails, campgrounds, or parks.
  • Help educate and mentor inexperienced trappers in safe, humane, ethical and effective trapping methods and the attitudes and skills essential to be a responsible outdoors person.
  • On private property, act as an invited guest of the landowner, seeking their permission and conducting one’s self so as to be welcome in the future.  On public property, respect the land and acknowledge that multiple public uses occur on that land.
  • Promote trapping methods that reduce the possibility of catching non-target animals.  Release domestic pets promptly and notify the owner or proper authorities when possible.
  • Obey all wildlife laws and regulations, such as trap-check requirements, and insist that other trappers do likewise.
  • Respect the area and do not tamper with the equipment of other trappers.
  • Know and use proper methods of releasing and humanely dispatching animals.
  • Dispose of animal carcasses properly.
  • Handle furs with care to avoid waste.
  • Strive to maintain a good relationship and act as a professional with other outdoor users and the general public at all times.
  • Support and promote furbearer conservation efforts that will assure good trapping for future generations of Americans.
  • Be sensitive to the fact that some individuals find some aspects of trapping disturbing and do not display offensive photographs, carcasses, or other items.
  • Stay current with the most up to date methods of humane, target specific and ethical trapping techniques available, including Best Management Practices.
  • Assist landowners who are having problems with predators and other furbearers that have become a nuisance.

Best management practices (BMPs) for trapping 


  • Based on sound-science and research, BMPs have been developed for over 20 years to inform people about traps and trapping systems considered to be state of the art in animal welfare and efficiency.


  • BMPs identify practical traps and trapping techniques that continue to improve efficiency selectivity, and the welfare of trapped animals.
  • BMPs provide specifications for traps that meet BMP criteria for individual species in various regions of the United States.  
  • Through the use of BMP guidelines, trappers can continue to play an important role in furbearer management programs across the United States.


Wolves in Oregon: What trappers need to know 

Differences in appearaance between wolves and coyotes

Differences in appearance between wolves and coyotes




Weight (lbs.)

70-120 lbs.

20-35 lbs.

Height at Shoulder

26-34 inches.

16-20 inches.


Black, white, all shades of gray and tan, grizzled.  Never spotted.

All shades of gray and tan; white or black very rare. Never spotted.


Hangs down or straight out; never curls.

Hangs down or straight out; never curls.

General Appearance

Massive, long legged.  First impression at long distance is often calf or deer.

Delicate, medium size, dog-like proportions with foxlike face.


Rounded, relatively short; never hang down.

Pointed, relatively long; never hang down.


Large and blocky.

Long and pointed.


4 ½ - 5 inches long with claws.

2-3 inches long with claws.

Gray wolves are managed and protected under the Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Plan and associated technical rules. Also, west of Oregon Highways 395/78/95, wolves are federally listed as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the lead management agency.

The 2019 Oregon minimum wolf population was 158 wolves.  Twenty-two packs were documented and nineteen of those packs met the criteria as breeding pairs.  During 2019, known wolf groups occurred in parts of Baker, Douglas, Grant, Jackson, Klamath, Lake, Lane, Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, and Wasco Counties, but furtakers could observe wolves or wolf sign anywhere in Oregon.  Maps of areas of know wolf activity in Oregon are available at www.dfw.state.or.us/Wolves/population.asp.  If proper precautions are observed, wolf presence should not affect most trapping activities.  The following tips help minimize the risk of accidental capture.

Avoid trapping in areas with common or recent wolf sign.  Learn how to identify wolf sign. Before setting coyote or other large furbearer traps, look for wolf sign in the area.  Wolves are highly mobile and can travel large distances daily.  However, trapping in areas with common or recent wolf sign increases the chance of accidental wolf capture.

Improve coyote trapping systems to reduce the chance of capturing wolves or losing traps.  Smaller traps for coyotes (#3 or smaller) reduce the chance of holding a trapped wolf.  Double staking or cross pinning stakes (metal, 18-24 inches long) can prevent trap loss.  Wolves are strong enough to pull out shorter stakes, especially in soft ground.  Staked traps should have about eight inches (8”) or less of chain and a stout swivel system.  Reinforce links by welding if necessary.

When using a drag system, use heavy drags and chains with stout swivels.  Make sure all links are welded and swivels are strong.  The drag system should be heavy enough to hold a 100+ pound animal.  Traps anchored to a drag should have a minimum of seven feet (7’) feet of chain.  Reinforce links by welding if necessary.

Use a high-quality snare with breakaways.  Snares should be well anchored and have a long cable.  Be mindful of where and how the snare is placed relative to obstacles such as logs, as these could entangle an animal caught incidentally, preventing the breakaway from working properly.  Again, avoid hanging snares on trails that have or have had wolf sign

Report wolf activity 

Because of their knowledge of predators and animal sign, licensed trappers can play an important role in the conservation and management of wolves in Oregon.  Please report any wolf observations or sign online through ODFW’s web site (www.dfw.state.or.us/wolves) or by calling the department’s Wolf Coordinator at (541) 962-1850, or US Fish and Wildlife Service at (541) 786-3282.  Information such as the number and description of animals observed, track measurements, and other sign is extremely valuable to current wolf monitoring efforts.  By working cooperatively, ODFW can improve wolf location information while helping trappers avoid accidental capture.

If a wolf is caught in a trap

Immediately call one of the following:

  • ODFW Wolf Coordinator (541) 962-1850 or local ODFW office
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (541) 786-3282
  • Oregon State Police Dispatch Center (541) 664-4600