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February 14, 2023

Roadkill Salvage Permits

Salvaging deer and elk struck by vehicles is legal in Oregon. However, you must fill out a permit (after the fact) and surrender the antlers and head to ODFW.

Roadkill Salvage Permits: Now a free product in the Electronic Licensing System (ELS) Catalog (see how-to for getting permit).  Salvagers can complete an application through guest checkout or through your ELS profile by accessing the ODFW product catalog. All other aspects of the program remain unchanged. Remember that you must submit your permit application within 24 hours of taking possession of the carcass. Antlers and head of all salvaged animals must be surrendered to an ODFW field office within 5 business days of taking possession of the carcass.

Roadkill salvage application
For deer and elk only


A free online application is required to receive your permit, and must be submitted within 24 hours of salvaging the deer or elk. Do not complete the online permit until you are actually salvaging an animal as specific information about location and time of salvage is required.

Below are the key regulations for salvaging roadkill when the law takes effect:

  • Only deer and elk accidentally struck by a vehicle may be salvaged; white-tailed deer can only be salvaged from Douglas County and east of the crest of the Cascade Mountains because of the protected status for white-tailed deer in most of western Oregon.
  • The entire carcass of the animal including gut piles must be removed from the road and road right of way during the salvage.
  • Deer and elk accidentally stuck by a vehicle may be salvaged for human consumption only. Intentionally hitting a deer or elk in order to salvage it remains unlawful.
  • Animals with missing and/or removed antlers are NOT available for salvage. This includes situations where antlers were detached as a result of the vehicle collision and cannot be recovered at the scene.
  • Any person (not just the driver who struck the animal) may salvage a deer or elk killed by a vehicle.
  • Special rules apply when a deer or elk is struck and injured, but not killed by a vehicle. Under Oregon law (ORS 498.016), it is lawful for a member of the public to humanely dispatch a crippled or helpless animal, but OSP must be immediately notified. In these cases, only the driver of the vehicle that struck the deer or elk may salvage it as part of the roadkill salvage permit program. An exception is made if a person authorized to enforce wildlife laws (e.g.; Oregon State Police, ODFW, local law enforcement) humanely dispatches the deer or elk struck by the vehicle—if that happens, anyone (not just the driver) is allowed to salvage the deer or elk via a roadkill salvage permit.
  • Antlers and head of all salvaged animals will need to be surrendered to an ODFW field office within 5 business days of taking possession of the carcass; see location list below and CALL AHEAD TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT (Tissue samples from the head will be tested as part of the state’s surveillance program for Chronic Wasting Disease). Other animal parts, such as the hide, may be kept by the permitee.
  • CWD Test results are expected to take up to a month. If an animal ever tests positive for CWD, a biologist or veterinarian will phone the person who salvaged that animal directly. Negative test results will be posted for roadkill salvagers to individually check online at https://www.dfw.state.or.us/wildlife/health_program/CWD-testing/ To find your result, enter RSP before your permit number (e.g. RSP5001). There is no evidence that humans can contract Chronic Wasting Disease from eating or handling contaminated meat but the CDC recommends certain precautions when handling game in areas where there is CWD, more info at https://www.cdc.gov/prions/cwd/prevention.html
  • Any person who salvages a deer or elk will consume the meat at their own risk. ODFW/OSP will not perform game meat inspections for any deer or elk salvaged under these rules.
  • The state of Oregon is also not liable for any loss or damage arising from the recovery, possession, use, transport or consumption of deer or elk salvaged.
  • Sale of any part of the salvaged animal is prohibited, but transfer to another person will be allowed with a written record similar to transferring game meat (available here).

ODFW field offices for check-in of salvaged animal heads – PLEASE CALL TO MAKE APPOINTMENT – Salem Headquarters is not a field office.




BAKER CITY 2995 Hughes Lane, Baker City, OR 97814 (541) 523-5832
BEND 61374 Parrell Road, Bend, OR 97702 (541) 388-6363
CENTRAL POINT 1495 Gregory Road, Central Point, OR 97502 (541) 826-8774
CHARLESTON 63538 Boat Basin Drive, PO Box 5003, Charleston, OR 97420 (541) 888-5515
CLACKAMAS 17330 SE Evelyn Street, Clackamas, OR 97015 (971) 673-6000
CORVALLIS (Adair office) 7118 NE Vandenberg Avenue, Corvallis, OR 97330-9446 (541) 757-4186
ENTERPRISE 65495 Alder Slope Road, Enterprise, OR 97828 (541) 426-3279
GOLD BEACH 29907 Airport Way, Gold Beach, OR 97444 (541) 247-7605
HEPPNER 54173 Hwy 74, Box 363, Heppner, OR 97836 (541) 676-5230
HINES 237 Hwy 20 South, PO Box 8, Hines, OR 97738 (541) 573-6582
JOHN DAY 305 N Canyon City Blvd. Canyon City, OR 97820 (541) 575-1167
KLAMATH FALLS 1850 Miller Island Road, West Klamath Falls, OR 97603 (541) 883-5732
LA GRANDE 107 20th Street, La Grande, OR 97850 (541) 963-2138
LAKEVIEW 18560 Roberta Rd, Lakeview, OR 97630 (541) 947-2950
NEWPORT 2040 SE Marine Science Drive Newport, OR 97365 (541) 867-4741
ONTARIO 3814 Clark Blvd., Ontario, OR 97914 (541) 889-6975
PENDLETON 73471 Mytinger Lane, Pendleton, OR 97801 (541) 276-2344
PRINEVILLE 2042 SE Paulina Highway Prineville, OR 97754 (541) 447-5111
ROSEBURG 4192 N Umpqua Hwy Roseburg, OR 97470 (541) 440-3353
SAUVIE ISLAND 18330 NW Sauvie Island Road Portland, OR 97231 (503) 621-3488
SPRINGFIELD 3150 East Main Street, Springfield, OR 97478 (541) 726-3515
SUMMER LAKE 53447 Hwy 31, Summer Lake, OR 97640 (541) 943-3152
THE DALLES 3701 West 13th, The Dalles, OR 97058 (541) 296-4628
TILLAMOOK 4907 3rd Street, Tillamook, OR 97141 (503) 842-2741

 More about what to do if you hit an animal while driving

Vehicle-wildlife collisions are most common during the months of October and November due to reduced daylight hours and greater movement of wildlife (especially deer) at this time of year. This ODOT-OSP-ODFW news release has some tips on how to avoid collisions with wildlife.  

If you do hit and kill a large wild animal or see a dead one on the roadway, remove it to the side of the road if it is safe to do so.  If this can’t be done safely, call 911. Position your vehicle in a safe way and turn on your hazard flashing lights to warn other motorists.

ODOT or county road maintenance crews are responsible for disposing of animals hit on roadways.

Note that only deer, elk and unprotected animals may be salvaged from roadways. It remains unlawful to salvage cougar, bear, pronghorn, bighorn sheep or Rocky Mountain goat. Unprotected wildlife includes coyotes, skunks, nutria, opossum, badgers, porcupines, and weasels; licensed furtakers may also take roadkilled wildlife classified as furbearers (bobcat, gray and red fox, marten, muskrat/mink, raccoon, river otter, beaver) at certain times of the year; check regulations for those dates.