December 21, 2023

What’s new in 2024

Regulation changes you should know about

Check out the fishing, clamming, crabbing and hunting regulation updates for 2024. These new regulations are highlighted in yellow in both online and printed versions.‌

Fishing regulations

Boat angler on the Columbia River is dressed for the cold as she holds a sturgeon

Beginning in 2024, permanent regulations will be effect for two years. While there will be a new regulations booklet in 2025, regulations will remain the same as the Commission begins adopting permanent regulations every other year. ‌

An annual review of the fishing regulations is no longer needed as fewer and fewer changes are made each year. This has been the result of a regulation simplification completed process several years ago.

ODFW will continue to make in-season regulation changes, especially for salmon and steelhead, based on expected run sizes, river conditions and/or other environmental factors. These regulations can change quickly so be sure to check regulations and updates page for the current regulations before you head out.‌

Northwest Zone

Lake Creek (Siuslaw Basin); mouth to Indian Creek

Closed all year to salmon angling.‌

Justification: Due to low fall Chinook returns, a closure is needed to provide additional conservation measures. These fish are vulnerable to snagging due to low flows. Proposal supported by OSP and the public.‌

Skipanon River; Harbor St Bridge to Alt. Hwy 101 Bridge

Open all year for hatchery Chinook and hatchery coho.‌

Justification: Hatchery Chinook and hatchery coho have been entering the river and a target fishery has developed in this area. Proposal is needed to allow for legal harvest and reduce the need for temporary rules.‌


Hatchery steelhead, hatchery coho salmon, pink salmon, and sockeye salmon, may be retained as part of the adult and jack salmon daily bag limit in all waters that are currently open to angling for Chinook salmon or steelhead.‌

Justification: This regulation was inadvertently removed last year during the development of the regulation pamphlet. It needs to be reinserted to allow for harvest of hatchery steelhead and hatchery coho during open salmon and steelhead seasons.‌

Southwest Zone

Coquille River

Zone Regulation - Closed for salmon.‌

Justification: Temporary rules have been in place for many years to protect the low population of returning salmon. It is expected to continue until the populations can recover.‌

Coquille River, South Fork; mouth to Middle Fork

Zone Regulation - Closed for salmon.‌

Justification: Temporary rules have been in place for many years to protect the low population of returning salmon. It is expected to continue until the populations can recover.‌

Umpqua River (Mainstem)‌; Scottsburg Bridge upstream to River Forks Boat Ramp

June 1 - Sept. 30, angling is closed within 200 feet from all portions of a tributary's mouth. Angling is also closed 200 feet upstream into any open tributary from the mouth.‌

Justification: This regulation has been implemented as a temporary rule, this will now make it a permanent rule. It will protect salmonids migrating and holding at cool tributary mouths.‌


Hatchery steelhead, hatchery coho salmon, pink salmon, and sockeye salmon, may be retained as part of the adult and jack salmon daily bag limit in all waters that are currently open to angling for Chinook salmon or steelhead.‌

Justification: This regulation was inadvertently removed last year during the development of the regulation pamphlet. It needs to be reinserted to allow for harvest of hatchery steelhead and hatchery coho during open salmon or steelhead seasons.‌

Willamette Zone

Willamina Creek; mouth to 200 ft below Lower Willamina Falls

Open all year for trout. Harvest allowed May 22 - Oct. 31, 2 per day, 8 inch minimum length, remainder of the year catch-and release.‌

Justification: New entry needed in the regulations to specify the trout season, locations, and provided protections for ESA listed winter steelhead. Temporary rules have been in place the last two seasons this will make the change permanent.‌

Willamina Creek; 200 ft below Lower Willamina Falls to Upper Willamina Falls

Open for trout from May 22 - Oct. 31.‌

Justification: New entry needed in the regulations to specify the trout season, locations, and provided protections for ESA listed winter steelhead. Temporary rules have been in place the last two seasons this will make the change permanent.‌

Willamina Creek; above Upper Willamina Falls

Open all year for trout. Harvest allowed May 22 - Oct. 31, 2 per day, 8 inch minimum length, remainder of the year catch-and release.‌

Justification: New entry needed in the regulations to specify the trout season, locations, and provided protections for ESA listed winter steelhead. Temporary rules have been in place the last two seasons this will make the change permanent.‌

Central Zone

Crescent Lake

5 kokanee per day in addition to daily trout limit. No size limits.‌

Justification: Crescent Lake has natural kokanee reproduction and hatchery supplementation. Consistent with other kokanee lakes in the zone. This change will provide additional opportunity and is supported by local angling groups.‌

East Lake

5 kokanee per day in addition to daily trout limit. No size limits.‌

Justification: East Lake has natural kokanee reproduction and hatchery supplementation. Consistent with other kokanee lakes in the zone. This change will provide additional opportunity and is supported by local angling groups.‌

Hood River; (mainstem) and tributaries

Open for hatchery Chinook salmon from April 15 – June 30 from the tips of the jetties to confluence with East Fork. Daily limit is 1 adult hatchery spring Chinook salmon per day.‌

Justification: Temporary rules have been used to set spring chinook season for about 10 years. This will reduce the need to implement a temp rule each year. The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs are supportive of the change.‌

Hood River; West Fork and tributaries

Open for hatchery Chinook salmon from April 15 – June 30. Daily limit is 1 adult hatchery spring Chinook salmon per day.‌

Justification: Temporary rules have been used to set spring chinook season for about 10 years. This will reduce the need to implement a temp rule each year. The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs are supportive of the change.‌

Lake Simtustus

No limit on the size or number of bass.‌

Justification: Regulation change requested by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs to provide additional opportunity to harvest bass and reduce impacts on native fish. This is consistent with Lake Billy Chinook and the Lower Deschutes River bass regulations.‌

Laurance Lake

Closed between ODFW markers and the mouth of Clear Branch Creek ; Closed between ODFW markers and the mouth of Pinnacle Creek.‌

Justification: Provides necessary protection for bull trout.‌

Paulina Lake

5 kokanee per day in addition to daily trout limit. No size limits.‌

Justification: Paulina Lake has natural kokanee reproduction and hatchery supplementation. Consistent with other kokanee lakes in the zone. This change will provide additional opportunity and is supported by local angling groups.‌

Suttle Lake

25 kokanee per day in addition to daily trout limit. Kokanee/sockeye salmon over 16 inches must be released.‌

Justification: Restricts harvest of Sockeye salmon that are part of the Deschutes Upper Basin reintroduction program. Regulation would be consistent with management of kokanee/sockeye in Lake Billy Chinook.‌

Northeast Zone

Grande Ronde River; state line to Clark Creek Rd

Open for coho salmon Sept. 1 to Nov. 30, 2 adult coho salmon per day and 5 jack coho salmon per day.‌

Justification: Coho Salmon were reintroduced into the Lostine River in 2017. Fisheries have been open for 3 consecutive years under temporary rule. The Nez Perce tribes is supportive of this fishery.‌

McKay Creek

Open all year for trout.‌

Justification: Provides protection for salmon and steelhead after the removal of fish barrier, while maintaining opportunity for popular trout fishing.‌

Umatilla River; above CTUIR Reservation

Hook-gap size may not exceed 3/8 inch.‌

Justification: A hook gap regulation provides protection to bull trout from hooking mortality associated larger hooks used to angle for anadromous fish. OSP supports this change.‌

Walla Walla River and tributaries

Zone regulation - Closed for steelhead.‌

Justification: Wild steelhead returns have been below the critical abundance threshold for the last 5 years. Closure is needed until population size allows for a fishery to occur.‌

Walla Walla River and tributaries

Hook-gap size may not exceed 3/8 inch.‌

Justification: A hook gap regulation provides protection to bull trout from hooking mortality associated larger hooks used to angle for anadromous fish. OSP supports this change.‌

Snake Zone

Snake River; Dug Bar Boat Ramp to Hells Canyon Dam

Open for hatchery Chinook salmon April 22 to Aug. 17. 4 hatchery Chinook per day, only 2 of which may be an adult.‌

Justification: This is a terminal fishery for hatchery spring chinook. This has been opened for that last 14 years by temporary rule.‌

Snake River; above Brownlee Reservoir to Idaho State Line

6 bass per day; 3 daily bag limits in possession. No minimum length.‌

Justification: Regulation change to be concurrent with Idaho bag limits for bass.‌

Marine Zone


Updated maps and new locations for Marine Protected Areas.‌

Justification: Maps and new locations have recently been updated due to the changes in the Territorial Sea Plan. These changes have been adopted by the DLCD.‌


Unlawful to remove clams from the shell before leaving the clamming area.‌

Justification: This regulation was inadvertently removed from the regulations. OSP is requesting to have it reinserted to help with enforcement and reduce overharvest of clams.‌


Only floating buoys that are visible at all times may be used for crabbing from a vessel. Floating buoys used for crab pots or rings must be marked in a visible, legible manner.‌

Justification: New technology that is beginning to enter the market that uses a timed release of a crab pot buoy. There are concerns over widespread use of this new technology until it is tested further. Regulation change is supported by OSP and consistent with WA/CA.‌

Big game hunting

A large tan and brown elk walks across a snowy field.

There are few major changes from last year beyond some hunts being deleted and new ones being added. Tag numbers will be similar to 2023. Carefully check the regulations before applying for a controlled hunt in case something about your hunt has changed.‌

  • New late season controlled archery white-tailed deer hunt that includes all of Murderers Creek and Northside units, and a portion of the Beulah Unit. (page 38) ‌
  • Five new youth buck hunts in southeast Oregon units. (page 40) ‌
  • Increase in California bighorn ram tags and additional ewe tags for some hunts. (page 62) ‌