Bandon Hatchery Visitors' Guide

Bandon Hatchery was constructed in 1925. Various renovations have taken place since original construction and more are planned for the future. The facility is used for adult collection, egg incubation and rearing of both natural and hatchery fall Chinook, winter steelhead, and trophy-sized rainbow trout.

Bandon Hatchery

Best time to visit: October – November for adult Chinook salmon. December – March for adult steelhead. Year-round for large show pond trout.

Visiting hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. daily

Fish raised: Fall Chinook, winter steelhead, and trophy-sized rainbow trout

What to see and do: The Coquille River offers excellent Chinook and coho salmon fishing in the fall and winter and steelhead fishing from December through the end of the run, especially on the North Fork Coquille at Laverne Park and on the South Fork Coquille up to the city of Powers. Wood ducks can be seen year-round at the intake reservoirs. Swallows are common May – September. Herons and kingfishers are common year-round. Picnic tables are available at the hatchery. Visitors can view and feed large rainbow trout in a show pond, and can observe the spawning of salmon and steelhead October – March, usually Tuesday mornings.

  • Wildlife: Birds of prey, carnivores, fish, freshwater mammals
  • Facilities: Camp host, ADA accessible, picnic area, restroom
  • Nearby: Bullards Beach State Park offers camping, fishing, and crabbing. You can rent crab rings and crab off the docks in old town, and fishing guides can be hired to fish the Coquille when the salmon are in.

Directions: The hatchery is located about 1/2 mile east of Bandon toward Coquille, just off Hwy. 42S.

Address and Phone:
Bandon Hatchery
55212 Fish Hatchery Road
Bandon, OR 97411
(541) 347-4278