Dishaun and Caleb Berry are your typical father and son anglers who love to spend a day fishing together. But they grew up in very different eras. Dishaun, who founded Get Hooked LLC, a project that teaches at-risk and inner city youth how to fish and enjoy the outdoors, started out fishing piers in Santa Monica as a kid before moving to Oregon at a time when he did not see many other Black men out fishing, especially fishing for salmon or steelhead. Caleb, who is 25, has grown up with a few more role models in his father and uncles, who have used YouTube and social media to showcase their fishing adventures as Black men, fathers and passionate advocates of getting People of Color outside. In this episode, we float the Wilson River with Dishaun and Caleb Berry, and you get to hear the adventure, including all the joy associated with hooking and landing a large, hatchery steelhead.
Episode Notes
Show Notes:
In case you missed it, we first talked to Dishaun Berry in Episode 39: Crappie Killa, RippinLips & Westbred Diamond
You can watch video from this fishing trip on Instagram or TikTok
Looking for more resources about steelhead fishing on Oregon’s North Coast, check out our Steelhead Fishing Oregon Rivers YouTube Playlist.
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