Elk River Hatchery Visitors' Guide
The major portion of Elk River Hatchery construction was completed in 1968. In 1971 the hatchery completed final construction on an intake and ten new ponds. The purpose of the facility is to supplement natural production of fall Chinook in the Elk and Chetco Rivers and winter steelhead in the Chetco River. The facility is used to collect Elk River fall Chinook, to incubate eggs and rear both natural and hatchery fall Chinook and winter steelhead.
Best time to visit: December - January and July - September
Visiting hours: dawn to dusk; 7 days a week
Fish raised: Chinook salmon and steelhead
What to see and do: The Elk River boat launch allows swimming. Outdoor interpretive signs explain hatchery operations.
- Wildlife: Birds of prey, deer, elk, fish, wading birds, waterfowl
- Facilities: Boat ramp, camp host, fishing, picnic area, restroom
- Nearby: Camping is available at Cape Blanco State Park, nine miles north of Port Orford. There are also several primitive camping spots upriver from the hatchery which are managed by the Rogue River – Siskiyou National Forest.
Directions: From Port Orford, travel three miles north on Hwy. 101. Turn right onto Elk River Road and proceed 7.5 miles. The hatchery is located on the left.
Address and Phone:
Elk River Hatchery
95163 Elk River Road
Port Orford, OR 97465
Office - (541) 332-7025
River Conditions Hotline – (541) 332-0405