Fall River Hatchery Visitors' Guide

The original portion of Fall River Hatchery construction was completed in 1929. Many improvements have been made since original construction. In 1952 the ten raceways were completed. The hatchery produces legal and trophy sized rainbow trout, and provides rainbow, brook and cutthroat trout fingerlings for air stocking programs throughout the state. The facility traps and spawns brown trout  at a remote site.

Fall River Hatchery

Best time to visit: May - September

Visiting hours: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. daily

Fish raised: Rainbow, brook and cutthroat trout

What to see and do: Visitor facilities are very limited, but it's still worth a stop while traveling through the area.

  • Wildlife: birds of prey, fish, songbirds, wading birds, waterfowl
  • Facilities: camp host, campground, fishing
  • Nearby: This hatchery is located in the scenic Deschutes National Forest close to major recreation sites and facilities. Fall River is just 12 miles long, but offers excellent fly fishing.

Directions: Turn off Hwy. 97 at the Fall River exit just past milepost 155. Drive west one mile to the "T" intersection. Turn left (south) and proceed one mile. Turn right (west) on S. Century Drive at the Thousand Trails sign. Continue west for six miles to the hatchery entrance. The entrance is on the south side of the road past milepost 12.

Address and Phone:
Fall River Hatchery
15055 S. Century Drive
Bend, OR 97707
(541) 593-1510