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ODFW Social Media Commenting Policy
Comment Policy for Facebook.com/myodfw – Facebook.com/ODFWConservation – Twitter.com/myodfw – Twitter.com/ODFWConservation – Twitter.com/ODFWMarine – Instagram.com/myodfw – Instagram.com/ODFWMarine – Pinterest.com/myodfw – YouTube.com/user/IEODFW – Medium.com/myodfw – MyODFW Snapchat
Comments are monitored by ODFW's Social Media Coordinator and staff.
Anyone who seeks to make a deliberately offensive or provocative comment with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them will be hidden and summarily banned if the behavior continues.
This is not an open forum, it’s a conversational, family friendly forum, so please keep your comments and wall posts clean. In addition to keeping it family friendly, we ask that you follow our posting guidelines here. If you don’t comply, your message will be removed.
Comments should be related to the topic at hand. If your comment is not on topic, you may be contacted by administrators and provided the correct channels for your questions or concerns. Repeated off-topic comments may be deleted. Continued off-topic commenting may result in a ban.
We will not allow personal attacks or vulgar, abusive, offensive, threatening or harassing language. This includes creative or alternative spellings of swear words using asterisks, spaces between letters and acronyms. Personal attacks against ODFW employees and other commenters will be removed and you may be blocked from commenting.
We will not allow comments that promote, foster or perpetuate discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation.
We will not allow comments that contain sexual content or links to sexual content.
We will not allow comments that promote or advertise a person or a business or commercial transaction.
We will not allow comments that promote or oppose any person campaigning for election to a political office or that promote or oppose any ballot measure.
We will not allow comments or posts that disclose information which the agency and its employees are required to keep confidential by law or administrative rule.
We will not allow any comments that encourage the illegal killing of wildlife. Any reference to shoot, shovel and shut up or SSS or any variance of those will be deleted, and repeated comments may result in getting blocked.
Comments attempting to spread false information will be deleted. Repeat comments or comments repeating the same information on different threads may be deleted. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in getting blocked. By commenting on ODFW’s Facebook page, you may be contacted through private message by those moderating ODFW’s social media. Copying and posting a private message from the moderator into a public comment forum will result in an immediate ban from the page.
ODFW doesn’t guarantee or warrant that any information contained in citizen comments is correct; ODFW disclaims any liability for any loss or damage resulting from any reliance on such information. You participate at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments, your username and any information provided.
By posting a photo, you hereby grant the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife all rights to use of the photograph in perpetuity for any and all marketing and public information campaigns engaged in by the department, and any and all publications, videos, Web sites or other printed or electronic materials produced by the department or its agents for the department’s use and benefit.
Opinions expressed in public comments do not necessarily reflect official positions of ODFW.
Any information posted here is considered public information and may be subject to monitoring, moderation or disclosure to third parties.
Communications made through Facebook will in no way constitute a legal or official notice or comment to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife or any official or employee of the state of Oregon for any purpose. For official inquiries or correspondence or if you need immediate assistance, please email us at odfw.info@odfw.Oregon.gov; visit our website, or call us at 503-947-6002.
This comment policy is subject to modification at any time. Thank you for taking the time to read our comment policy. We hope you’ll check back with us often for news and information.