Klaskanine Hatchery Visitors' Guide
Klaskanine Hatchery was first operated in 1911 by the state of Oregon. In 1959 the hatchery was enlarged and renovated under the Columbia River Fisheries Development Program (Mitchell Act)—a program to enhance declining fish runs in the Columbia River Basin. The hatchery is now closely tied to the Select Area Fisheries Enhancement (SAFE) program and works closely with Clatsop County Fisheries (CCF). The facility is currently used primarily for rearing coho for SAFE commercial fisheries, as well as for adult collection and spawning of fall Chinook and as a rearing facility for fall Chinook and winter steelhead.
Best time to visit: September - October.
Visiting hours: staffed 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. but visitors are welcome dawn to dusk
Fish raised: fall Chinook salmon and steelhead
- What to see and do: Visitors can view adult Chinook salmon in the fall.
- Wildlife: fish, hoofed mammals, wading birds, waterfowl
- Facilities: camp host, fishing, restrooms
- Nearby: There are many museums and historical sites in the Astoria area. The Lower Columbia River estuary offers excellent wildlife viewing. Elk viewing also is excellent at Jewell Meadows Wildlife Area 17 miles east of the hatchery on Hwy. 202.
From Astoria: Proceed 12 miles east on Hwy. 202 to the hatchery.
From Jewell: Proceed 17 miles west on Hwy. 202 to the hatchery.
Address and Phone:
Klaskanine Hatchery
82635-202 Hatchery Road
Astoria, OR 97103
(503) 325-3653