Upper and Lower Bennett Dams Fish Counts

Upper and Lower Bennett Dams are located southeast of the town of Stayton on the North Santiam River. Upper Bennett Dam is on the south side of Stayton Island and Lower Bennett Dam is on the north side.

Fish passage structures and video cameras are installed at each dam. Review of the video feed allows an ODFW employee to count the number and species of fish making their way upstream.

ODFW funding for operating the Bennett Dam fish counts is no longer available. Counts will be resumed if funding is restored.


As ofHatchery Steelhead Wild SteelheadHatchery Chinook Wild ChinookLamprey Coho Adults 
January0NA 54NA0NA00NA2NA5NA
February0NA 147NA0NA00NA0NA0NA
March3NA 589NA0NA00NA0NA00
April18621 54644400300000
May965164 311593319594016000
June2184183 4020671724308133000
July92542 109862521145021000
August6814 0018442174018000
September1084 103120711102664
October260 201003512010000
Total to date4465428 13755942066771730393012714
North Santiam Bennett Dams Fish Counts Thru October 20, 2024          


As ofHatchery Steelhead Wild SteelheadHatchery Chinook Wild ChinookLamprey  Coho Adults
January0NA 1NA0NA00NA0NA0NA
February0NA 3NA0NA00NA0NA0NA
March0NA 91NA0NA00NA0NA0NA
April12 17973000105000
May63 2213668137202121000
June200 20263510585823106100
July162 001091725199261000
August30 00822923018000
September190 4016213111361001661
October20 10-100714230206953
November01 41000102320831106
December00 15000000907115
Total to date678 3228746374511012242425513137175
North Santiam Bennett Dams Fish Counts Thru December 31, 2023         


As ofHatchery Steelhead Wild SteelheadHatchery Chinook Wild ChinookLamprey  Coho Adults 
January0NA 6NA0NA00NA0NA0NA
February0NA 15NA0NA00NA0NA0NA
March2NA 240NA0NA00NA1NA0NA
April54 11627600101000
May5042 21131253242361000
June242102 101851227262602747000
July35452 20393173234769113100
August121 0027439114000
September155 203710457640361
October1610 621001023015021236
November61 1000084107229
December00 10000000040
Total to date702217 4114259783466093683197132466
North Santiam Bennett Dams Fish Counts Thru December 31, 2022          


As ofHatchery Steelhead Wild SteelheadHatchery Chinook Wild ChinookLamprey  Coho Adults 
January0NA 9NA0NA00NA0NA0NA
February0NA 14NA0NA00NA0NA0NA
March0NA 70NA0NA00NA0NA0NA
April84 130561000700000
May164 94105747614962000
June215 0015261335223111000
July110 103000849012000
August30 0097132209000
September201 304639331307010
October60 20003324160460189
November11 100000211028943
December00 70000001060
Total to date8615 246603036646451514650825242
North Santiam Bennett Dams Fish Counts Thru December 31, 2021          


As ofHatchery Steelhead Wild SteelheadHatchery Chinook Wild ChinookLamprey  Coho Adults 
January0NA 23NA0NA00NA0NA0NA
February0NA 42NA0NA00NA0NA0NA
March5NA 397NA0NA00NA0NA0NA
April111 33815431902751000
May3411 309953389379113000
June15325 10226455446272418000
July24525 001486943454124300
August172 007202747-18100
September80 00180617117020
October200 41512301022032318
November21 62000514019844
December10 200000000140
Total to date49665 843166482911213115865297453762
North Santiam Bennett Dams Fish Counts Thru December 31, 2020          
bennet fish counts


2018 bennet fish counts

View historic fish counts at Upper and Lower Bennett Dams