Hunting cougar in Oregon
Cougar season and hunting information, including information about cougar conflict target areas.
Resuming in 2022, successful cougar hunters must appear in-person at an ODFW office to check in their cougar.

The general statewide season
- The season is Jan. 1 - Dec. 31 or until Hunt Zone Quotas have been met, whichever occurs first.
- Entire state is open. However, specific Hunt Quota Zones will be closed if harvest quotas for the year are met in that zone. See the cougar quota page or Oregon Big Game Regulations for quotas.
- The bag limit is one cougar per tag, except that it is unlawful to take spotted kittens or females with spotted kittens.
License and tag requirements
Any person hunting cougar must have on their person a valid adult hunting license for the current year and a General Season Cougar Tag and/or an Additional Cougar Tag. Cougar tags must be purchased by the deadline which is usually the day before Western Oregon general rifle deer season begins. An additional tag may be purchased throughout the season; however, hunters must purchase the general season tag prior to the deadline to be eligible for the additional tag.
Hunting regulations
- No person shall use dogs for the taking or pursuit of cougar. Permission is required to hunt on privately owned land.
- You may purchase an additional cougar tag throughout the season. However, you must purchase a general season tag prior to the tag sale deadline in order to buy an additional tag.
- All hunters, successful or not, must complete mandatory reporting by Jan. 31 (for previous year's hunts) or April 15 (for current year's hunts). You must report even if you didn't hunt.
Cougar check in process
Any cougar taken must be presented at an ODFW office within 10 days of the kill to be checked and marked. Hide and skull must be unfrozen when presented for check-in. Please call ahead to make an appointment to have cougar checked. Check-in must occur during normal business hours (Mon. - Fri., 8-5). Hunters are required to check in the hide of any cougar taken, with skull and proof of sex attached, and submit the reproductive tract of any female cougar taken (pdf).
Call ahead to your nearest field office to make an appointment; do not show up without an appointment as ODFW offices remain closed to in-person visitors except by appointment at this time. See the big game regulations for more information on requirements.
Cougar hunting in Oregon
Oregon’s population of about 6,000 cougars occupies a wide variety of habitat across the state, offering a year-round, readily-accessible hunting opportunity. Most cougars are taken incidentally by big game hunters targeting deer or elk. However, their nocturnal habits and stealthy character make cougars a challenging big game animal to hunt on their own. Here are 10 ways to be a better cougar hunter.
Header photo by Brian Wolfer