Irrigon Hatchery Visitors' Guide
Irrigon Hatchery began operation in 1984 as part of the Lower Snake River Compensation Program (LSRCP)—a program to mitigate for spring Chinook and summer steelhead losses caused by the four federal dams constructed on the lower Snake River. This facility serves as an egg incubation and rearing facility for summer steelhead destined for the Grande Ronde and Imnaha river systems and egg incubation for 575,000 Umatilla coho eggs for transfer to Cascade Hatchery. Irrigon Hatchery also rears 1.4 million fall Chinook for the Grande Ronde and Snake Rivers and is used as a rearing site for legal-sized and trophy rainbow trout destined for northeast Oregon waters.
Best time to visit: July - April
Visiting hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; 7 days a week
Fish raised: steelhead, Chinook salmon, rainbow trout
What to see and do: Irrigon Hatchery offers a visitor center, wildlife viewing and a show pond for rainbow trout.
- Wildlife: fish, wading birds
- Facilities: camp host, ADA accessible, restrooms
- Nearby: The Columbia River offers a variety of scenic views and activities.
Directions: Irrigon Hatchery is located along the Columbia River above John Day Dam 3 miles west of Irrigon, Oregon.
Take exit 168 off I-84. Take Hwy. 730 to the hatchery sign, then turn left on W. 8th Street. Travel north to Columbia River and the hatchery.
Address and Phone:
Irrigon Hatchery
74135 Riverview Lane
Irrigon, OR 97844
(541) 922-5732