Pronghorn hunting in Oregon
Pronghorn antelope are the fastest ungulates in North America and can reach speeds of up to 40 miles an hour. Oregon has about 25,000 pronghorn antelope, which are native to the Columbia Plateau and the High Desert shrublands of eastern Oregon.

ODFW offers about 2,500 tags each year spread across rifle, archery and muzzleloader hunts, plus some youth-only hunts. All hunts are controlled (limited entry) and it can take several years of accumulating preference points to draw a tag. Hunters who want to pursue pronghorn are advised to apply every year (or just get a point-saver) to ensure they can hunt these animals at least a few times in Oregon.
See the current Oregon Big Game Regulations for exact season dates and bag limits. Almost all seasons occur in August and September. Hunters should be prepared for dry conditions and fire restrictions.
Remember that all applications for controlled hunts are due by May 15. Pronghorn tags must be purchased no later than the day before the hunt begins. Apply and purchase online, at a license sales agent or at an ODFW office that sells licenses.
Controlled hunt tag numbers typically don’t change much from year to year. Tag numbers are proposed in early May and adopted by the Fish and Wildlife Commission at its June meeting.
Explore success rates for each pronghorn hunt and points needed to guarantee drawing a tag at the Hunting Statistics and Reports page.