Willamette Zone
Recreation Report

-Photo by Kevin Hoikka-
March 19, 2025
Best bets for weekend fishing:
- With spring on the way, trout in Detroit Reservoir, and other waterbodies, are getting more active in searching for food.
- High water levels from recent rains make for challenging steelhead fishing conditions. Keep an eye on water levels, and try to hit the water as the begin to drop.
- Several waterbodies are being stocked with trout this week.
Trout stocking
Scheduled to be stocked the week of March 17:
EE Wilson, Timber Linn Lake, Walter Wirth Lake, St. Louis Ponds, Fall Creek Reservoir, Alton Baker Canoe Canal, Junction City Pond, Henry Hagg Lake, Row River Nature Park Pond, Waverly Lake
Stocked the week of March 10:
Cottage Grove Reservoir, Bethany Pond, Blue Lake, Hills Creek Reservoir, Blue Lake Reservoir, Sheridan Pond, Canby Pond, Row River Nature Park Pond, Commonwealth Lake, Benson Lake, Dexter Reservoir Mt. Hood Pond, Huddleston Pond, EE Wilson Pond, Dorman Lake, Timber Linn Lake
Check the 2025 trout stocking schedule
Trout stocking maps
Check out the ODFW fishing and trout stocking maps to find nearby fishing locations (including high mountain lakes), driving directions and descriptions of amenities.
If your favorite fishing spot is no longer listed
It's probably because that river, lake or reservoir is closed for the season, inaccessible due to snow and bad roads, or offers limited fishing opportunities during the winter months. These waterbodies will re-appear in the Recreation Report when they re-open next spring, or when access and/or opportunity improves.
Dexter Pond road closure
Beginning Friday, April 1, the public will not be able to drive into the Dexter Ponds Hatchery due to bridge inspection by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Please call the USACE Park Ranger Office at 541-942-5631 with questions.
Sign up for the latest information on boater access
Marine Board's Opportunities and Access Report incorporates information from federal and state agencies, local facility operators and fellow boaters to provide up-to-date information so boaters can decide where to recreate and what to expect this season. Subscribe to receive email updates.
Updates by waterbody
Will be stocked the week of Feb. 17, with 1,250 hatchery rainbow trout.
The canoe canal is open to fishing all year and is located within Alton Baker Park. A 4-acre pond at the midpoint of the canal is a good spot, as is directly behind Kowloon Restaurant. However, the canal can be fished all along its two-mile length from Day Island Road in Eugene to Aspen Street in Springfield. Last updated 2/12/25.
Stocking will resume in the spring of 2025.
Blue River is located east of Eugene near the town of Blue River, north of Hwy. 126 and is open to year-round fishing. Last updated 11/2t/24.
BLUE RIVER RESERVOIR: trout, warmwater species
Stocking will resume in the spring of 2025.
The USFS has hired a concessionaire company to maintain the boat ramps and parking areas and they are charging $9 to park at the Saddle Dam or Lookout Campground/boat launch parking area. For details people can call the USFS McKenzie Ranger District 541-822-3381.Blue River Reservoir is located east of Eugene near the town of Blue River, north of Hwy. 126 and is open to year-round fishing. Last updated 11/27/24.
Latest estimates for when access and fish stocking will resume are now 2026 at the earliest. Public access to Carmen Reservoir is prohibited until further notice. Closure is due to operations required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) resulting in reservoir drawdown over the summer.
Winter steelhead are still being caught throughout the system. Recent catch rates have seemed to slow down, but anglers who put in their time are managing to find bright fish regularly. Popular opinion is that the fish being caught are larger than average this season and opportunities only increase with each passing rain event.
The mouth of Eagle Creek is a popular and crowded location for targeting fish on the Clackamas. OSP keeps a close eye on this area and writes many citations for snagging and other fishing violations.
To report poaching or other violations: Call *OSP or *677 (OSP on keypad). You also can call 800-452-7888, or send an email to TIP@osp.oregon.gov between the hours of 8-5, Monday-Friday. Take photos if it is safe to do so.
USGS hydrological data readings from the Estacada gauge near Milo McIver State Park. Hydrologic data and river forecasts can also be accessed on the NOAA/National Weather Service NW River Forecast Center -- NW River Forecast Center. Last updated 3/12/25.
Stocking will resume in spring 2025. Clear Lake is accessed from Hwy. 126 approximately 70 miles east of Springfield. Linn County's Clear Lake Resort rents cabins and boats. Last updated 11/27/24.
COAST FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER: Chinook, summer steelhead, trout
Stocking will resume in spring 2025. The river is open to fishing all year for trout, hatchery Chinook salmon, hatchery steelhead and wild steelhead over 24 inches.
Use of bait allowed April 22 – Oct. 31 but beginning Nov. 1 anglers may only use lures and artificial flies. In addition to five hatchery trout, two wild trout may be kept daily. Last updated 11/27/24.
COTTAGE GROVE POND: See Row River Nature Park Pond
COTTAGE GROVE RESERVOIR: trout, spotted bass, largemouth bass, crappie, yellow perch, bluegill
Stocking will resume in spring 2025.
Cottage Grove Reservoir is south of Cottage Grove and is open to fishing all year. Updated 11/27/24.
The reservoir is slowly filling up in preparation for the busy summer recreation season. Mongold boat ramp is currently open and available to launch watercraft. Now that spring is around the corner fish are starting to get hungrier and become more active in searching for food. Pretty much any technique will catch fish, but it might take some experimenting to find out what is most effective on the day you're out there.
The reservoir gets stocked with trout during the spring and summer with many of these fish still available throughout the fall and winter and into next year. As a reminder, anglers are allowed to keep up to five trout, with an additional five fish kokanee bag limit.
Also, as a reminder to anglers, fishing for and harvesting Chinook in the lake and the rivers above is prohibited. Any Chinook caught in Detroit must be released unharmed. Make sure you can tell the difference between a Chinook and a kokanee before you get out on the water.
It's always a good idea to check the water levels at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website before using the boat ramps. For the latest information on water levels at Detroit Reservoir check with the Army Corps of Engineers' website for more information.
Anglers are encouraged to report their catch on an on-line form. Remember to indicate whether the fish you catch have their adipose fin or not. This information will allow ODFW to manage the fishery for the benefit of both recreational anglers and the resource. Last updated 3/5/25.
DEXTER RESERVOIR: trout, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass
Stocking will resume in spring 2025. Dexter Reservoir near Lowell is visible from Hwy. 58. Boat and bank access is available through state and county parks. Parking and bank access are also available from the causeway near Lowell. Largemouth bass and some smallmouth are also available to anglers in this reservoir. Last updated 11/27/24.
DORENA RESERVOIR: trout, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, yellow perch, crappie, bluegill
Stocking will resume in spring 2025. Dorena Reservoir is east of Cottage Grove on Row River Road and is open to fishing all year. Trout and warmwater fish are available. Baker Bay Park (Lane County) is open seasonally from April – October. The park has a boat ramp, ADA restrooms, showers, picnic and camp spots. Last update 11/25/24.
EE WILSON POND: warmwater species, trout
The pond is stocked with trout from February through May. It will be stocked this week with about 1,300 hatchery trout.
As a reminder, only one trout over 20 inches is allowed to be kept as part of a 5-fish bag limit. In the spring and summer anglers can also pursue bass, bluegill, and crappie.
This pond is located inside EE Wilson Wildlife Area. Getting to it requires a 1/3-mile walk along an ADA path from the parking area. It has three newly installed fishing piers including one that is ADA compliant.
A parking permit is required, and one can be purchased online or at any ODFW office. Last updated 3/5/25.
The Bedrock Fire burned the upper portions of the drainage, access will be challenging and water temperatures in this sub-basin will likely be elevated in the river during the summer months. For these reasons, ODFW will not be stocking Fall Cr. in 2024 and will instead focus stocking in Fall Creek Reservoir.
Fall Creek is open all year for trout. Bait is allowed from April 22 through Oct. 31; however, beginning Nov. 1, anglers may only use lures and artificial flies. Five hatchery trout and an additional two wild trout may be harvested daily in the river.
Fishing for salmon upstream of Fall Creek Dam is prohibited. Below Fall Creek Dam the creek is open all year for hatchery Chinook, hatchery steelhead and wild steelhead greater than 24 inches. Last updated 3/28/24.
Stocking will resume in the spring of 2025. Fall Creek Reservoir is currently being held down and will be held at winter low level until early May to allow passage of juvenile spring Chinook salmon. Last updated 11/27/24.
Faraday Lake is now closed while PGE updates its powerhouse at Rivermill Dam. For more information, visit PGE's Parks and Recreation webpage.
FERN RIDGE RESERVOIR: largemouth bass, crappie, bluegill, brown bullhead
This 9,000-acre lake just 12 miles west of Eugene is the Willamette Basin's largest waterbody. Orchard Park boat ramp opened April 1, while the boat ramps at Richardson Park and Perkins Peninsula will open on May 13. Information regarding the lake and available boat ramps, contact the Lane County Parks Department at 541-682-2000.
Bass and crappie fishing usually gets going around mid-April with peak months being May and June. Look for crappie along the weedy edges on the south side of the reservoir. The south shore around Perkins Peninsula as well as along the face of the dam are good spots.
There is good bank access at several rest stops and campgrounds, and three seasonal boat ramps. Last updated 3/19/25.
FOSTER RESERVOIR: trout, bass, perch, catfish
This reservoir near Sweet Home is usually stocked several times in the spring and early fall with over 28,000 hatchery trout. Besides trout, look for smallmouth bass and yellow perch near underwater structure and drop-offs. Please remember that only kokanee and adipose fin-clipped trout may be kept as part of the 5-trout bag limit, but there are no limits on size or number of bass.
Retention of warmwater fish species such as bluegill, catfish, crappie, and yellow perch is also allowed -- no limit on size or number. Anglers report good success in the two arms of the reservoir, as well as the shoreline in between.
The boat ramp at Sunnyside County Park is available to launch boats. Bank fishing access is available at several access points including at Caulkins, Sunnyside, Gedney and Lewis Creek parks.
This scenic 1,200-acre reservoir on the South Santiam River is located just 30 minutes from Interstate 5. There is good bank access at several rest stops and campgrounds, and three seasonal boat ramps. Last updated 2/19/25.
FREEWAY LAKE, EAST: trout, bass bluegill crappie
The lake was stocked recently with 500 hatchery trout. Fishing for warmwater gamefish such as bass, bluegill, crappie, and catfish can be very good, especially early and late in the day in spring and summer. This is one of the best places in the Valley to fish for large crappie.
This waterbody actually consists of three interconnected ponds and features some good size bass and crappie. A boat ramp is available at East Freeway Lake, and there is good bank access around Middle Freeway Lake. Last updated 3/19/25.
GOLD LAKE: brook trout, rainbow trout
Gold Lake is open for fishing May 22 to Oct. 31. For access inquiries call the USFS Willamette Nat'l Forest 541-782-2283 for updates.
Gold lake has special fishing regulations in place that include no retention of rainbow trout, no limit on brook trout, fly-fishing only (has to be a fly rod, no spinning rigs) and barbless hooks. Oregon State Marine Board passed a new regulation in 2020 that allows ELECTRIC motors only on Gold Lake.
Gold Lake is a 100-acre lake located north of the Willamette Pass summit off Hwy. 58 approximately 23 miles southeast of Oakridge. Last updated 10/30/24.
The water level in the reservoir is slowly increasing as they prepare to fill it before the summer recreation season. The boat ramp at Thistle Creek is available to launch boats. Whitcomb boat ramp and campground will open April 18.
The reservoir is usually stocked with trout in the spring. In the summer they retreat to deeper water where it is cooler. Also, as a reminder to anglers, fishing for and harvesting Chinook in the lake and the rivers above is prohibited. Any Chinook caught in Green Peter reservoir must be released unharmed.
For the latest information on water levels at Green Peter Reservoir check with the Army Corps of Engineers' website for more information. Last updated 3/19/25.
Harriet has been stocked with trout. The lake will have to accessed from the Skyline route until hazard trees are cleared. For more information, visit PGE's Parks and Recreation webpage.
Harriet Lake is a 23-acre reservoir on the Oak Grove Fork of the Clackamas River in the Mount Hood National Forest. Boat ramp is just past campground. Last updated 6/19/24.
HENRY HAGG LAKE: rainbow trout, largemouth bass, crappie, smallmouth bass, yellow perch, bluegill, bullhead catfish
Hagg Lake is one of western Oregon's largest lakes and is a premier warmwater fishing destination. The lake is home to both the state record smallmouth bass and bullhead catfish.
Current reservoir level can be found here. Maintained and operated by Washington County, the park features numerous picnic areas, two boat launching facilities, more than 15 miles of hiking trails, and observation decks for wildlife and bird watching. The lake and lake park are currently open, although users are encouraged to check the Hagg Lake Park website, as conditions can change. Last updated 10/14/24.
HILLS CREEK RESERVOIR: trout, crappie, bass
Will be stocked the week of Feb. 17, with 2,800 hatchery rainbow trout. Don't forget that you can keep hatchery Chinook in the reservoir as mentioned below.
Hills Creek Reservoir is located about four miles southeast of Oakridge and is open to year-round fishing. In addition to catchable-size trout, the reservoir is stocked with 60,000 adipose fin-clipped rainbow trout fingerlings and 100,000 adipose fin-clipped spring Chinook salmon fingerlings annually to provide a harvest fishery the following year.
Trout and salmon must be adipose fin-clipped to be harvested. Large native trout are available for catch-and-release fishing. Packard Boat Ramp (USFS) generally remains accessible at all normal reservoir elevation. Last updated 2/12/25.
JUNCTION CITY POND: trout, bluegill
This pond will be stocked again this week with about 1,600 trout. This pond is located 2 miles south of Junction City on Hwy 99W. Anglers can keep only one fish over 20 inches per day as part of your 5-trout bag limit. Last updated 3/19/25.
Stocking will resume in the spring of 2025.
Leaburg Lake is open to fishing all year. Bait can be used from April 22 – Oct. 31, but beginning Nov. 1, anglers may only use lures and artificial flies. All wild trout must be released. Only hatchery fish may be kept. Last updated 11/27/24.
MCKENZIE RIVER below Leaburg Lake (R1): trout, steelhead
Trout stocking will resume next spring. Bait can be used from April 22 – Oct. 31, but beginning Nov. 1, anglers may only use lures and artificial flies. Fishing for summer steelhead remains open throughout the river and has been very productive.
All non-adipose fin-clipped trout must be released unharmed. Check the 2024 Sport Fishing Regulations for bait restrictions in the segment you plan to fish.
The lower McKenzie River is open to retention of adipose fin-clipped salmon and steelhead and non-adipose fin-clipped steelhead greater than 24 inches long. A Columbia River Basin Endorsement is required for anglers targeting salmon and steelhead in the McKenzie. Last updated 1/8/25.
MCKENZIE RIVER above Leaburg Lake (R2): trout, steelhead
Stocking will resume in the spring of 2025. There is a good possibility of hooking some steelhead upstream of Leaburg Dam!
All non-adipose fin-clipped trout must be released unharmed. Bait is allowed from Leaburg Dam to Forest Glen Boat Ramp from April 22 – Oct 31. Last updated 11/27/24.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers refurbished the boat ramp on the south side of the Middle Fork Willamette just below Dexter Dam allowing drift boat and raft access. Steelhead fishing below Dexter Dam has been productive, and walleye fishing below the dam is expected to pick up in the spring.
A Columbia River Basin Endorsement is required for anglers targeting salmon and steelhead in the Middle Fork Willamette below Dexter Dam.
The Middle Fork Willamette above Lookout Point and Hills Creek reservoirs is open to fishing using lures and artificial flies. All wild trout must be released upstream of Lookout Point Reservoir. The Middle Fork Willamette River is not stocked with hatchery trout. Last updated 1/8/25.
Trout stocking will resume this spring in time for trout season, which opens May 22.
For more information, visit PGE's Parks and Recreation webpage.
North Fork Reservoir is a 350-acre reservoir of the Clackamas River behind North Fork Dam approximately 5.2 miles east of Estacada, Ore. This reservoir has two boat ramps, boat moorage, 50 campsites, picnic areas, boat rentals, grocery story, fueling station, and ADA-accessible fishing platforms. It is big and deep enough, and is fed by the upper Clackamas River, to stay cool longer into the summer than most of the other lakes and ponds. Last updated 1/10/24.
This river above Green Peter Reservoir gets stocked from late spring through the summer.
Flows are currently around 1,200 cfs. Best conditions for fishing are below 300 cfs. Expected rains with melting snow will likely keep this river too high for the foreseeable future. Light tackle including flies works best, but bait is allowed.
Trout are active year-round, and anglers are allowed to keep up to five fish daily. Last updated 3/19/25.
ROW RIVER NATURE PARK POND (formerly Cottage Grove Pond): trout, bass, bluegill
Will be stocked the week of Feb. 24, with 800 hatchery rainbow trout and again on the week of March 3 with 1,000 hatchery rainbow trout. Currently the fishing dock has been removed and will be replaced this spring/summer, but the bank is still accessible.
ODFW will be hosting a Family Fishing event on April 5 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. These events are FREE, do not require registration, and all fishing equipment will be available to use for the day.
Cottage Grove Ponds are open to year-round fishing and are accessible via an asphalt pathway behind the truck scales on Row River Rd. In addition to fishing, these ponds also offer wildlife viewing opportunities. Last updated 2/24/25.
Stocking will resume in the spring of 2025.
Salmon Creek is open to fishing all year. Bait can be used from April 22 – Oct. 31, but beginning Nov. 1, anglers may only use lures and artificial flies. Trout are released at multiple locations upstream to Black Creek. Two wild trout per day, 8-inch minimum length, may be kept in addition to five hatchery trout. Last updated 11/27/24.
Salt Creek is an unstocked tributary to the Middle Fork Willamette River east of Oakridge. Salt Creek and its tributaries are open to fishing all year. Bait can be used from April 22 – Oct. 31, but beginning Nov. 1, anglers may only use lures and artificial flies. Two wild trout may be kept per day, 8-inch minimum length. Last updated 5/19/20.
SANDY RIVER: steelhead
Winter steelhead are still being found throughout the system and there have even been a couple reports of some summer steelhead being caught. Though spring Chinook will be here soon, there are still a lot of good steelhead fishing opportunities ahead. Anglers can expect new bright fish to enter the system with each passing rain event.
Flow and visibility on the Sandy are greatly influenced by each passing front and change in snow levels. Colder temperatures, as well as less precipitation means this glacially-fed system will not only be on the drop but will also clear up much more quickly.
Anglers should confirm access before they go. All Metro Parks and boat ramps (including Dabney and Lewis and Clark) are now open but may have modified operations. Check conditions at individual parks on Metro's website. State parks and recreation areas appear open. Last updated 3/12/25.
USGS hydrological data for the Sandy near bull run..
SANTIAM RIVER (NORTH FORK): steelhead, trout, Chinook, coho
River levels best for fishing are at or below 3,000 cfs, and the river is currently running at about 3,500 cfs at the gage in Mehama. A few dozen summer steelhead have passed up above Willamette Falls so far, but the run is still in its very early stages. It will be a few more weeks before they arrive in good numbers in the basin.
Fishing for steelhead is open year-round, but the use of bait is not allowed between Nov. 1 and April 21. Last updated 3/19/25.
There are several large, downed trees in the river creating some dangerous hazards for boaters in the lower river. For more information check out the Oregon State Marine Board website.
This river is open year-round to fishing, but ideal conditions usually begin after snowmelt recedes in late June and continues through early October. In winter, fishing conditions can be challenging, but trout are opportunistic, and anglers can find success even in cold weather. Dead-drifting a nymph fly or slow retrieving a small spinner can sometimes coax larger trout to bite. The river is usually stocked between May and August. Last updated 11/27/24.
SANTIAM RIVER (SOUTH FORK): bass, trout, steelhead
Fishing is generally best when flows are below 3,000 cfs. Flows are at 6,400 cfs at the gage in Waterloo.
The first few dozen summer steelhead of 2025 have showed up at Willamette Falls, but it will be several more weeks until they begin to show up in good numbers in the basin. Both hatchery steelhead and spring Chinook will begin to arrive in April. Bait is not allowed from Nov. 1 to April 21. Last updated 3/19/25.
Latest estimates for when access and fish stocking will resume are now 2026 at the earliest. The Eugene Water & Electric Board is enveloped in a construction project to retrofit, refurbish and upgrade capital equipment at its Carmen-Smith Hydroelectric Project.
In order to keep the public and construction personnel safe during the five-year project, Forest Road 730 is closed at the Powerhouse, cutting off access to Trail Bridge Campground, Smith Reservoir and Lake's End Campground. The road closure will continue through 2026.
SUNNYSIDE PARK POND: trout, bass, bluegill
This pond was stocked recently with about 1,100 trout.
This 4-acre pond is located two miles above the upper end of Foster Reservoir. The pond also offers bluegill and largemouth bass year-round. The park has a campground and picnic area and is a great place to take kids fishing. There is also boat ramp access to the Middle Fork arm of Foster Reservoir. Please keep in mind that only one fish over 20 inches may be kept per day as part of a 5-fish daily bag limit.
To get there from I-5, take US 20 through the town of Sweet Home and continue around Foster Reservoir to Quartzville Creek Rd. Take a left and follow this road for two miles to the park. Last update 3/19/25.
This pond is usually stocked from November through May with hatchery trout. It will be stocked this week with about 2,250 hatchery trout. As a reminder, only one trout over 20 inches is allowed as part of a five-fish per day bag limit.
This is a family-friendly fishing pond within Timber Linn Memorial Park in Albany. Last updated 3/19/25.
TIMOTHY LAKE: trout, kokanee, crayfish
Timothy lake is accessible, however only via Skyline Rd until the remainder of the hazard trees are cleared.
Timothy lake is a great summer destination for fishing and recreating on the water. Anglers should keep in mind this is a very popular destination. Trout fishing is often best at the head of the reservoir. Check the Mt Hood National Forest website for access updates. Last updated 5/29/24.
The Eugene Water & Electric Board is implementing a construction project to retrofit, refurbish and upgrade capital equipment at its Carmen-Smith Hydroelectric Project. Latest estimates for when access and fish stocking will resume are now 2025 at the earliest. The capital construction projects planned for the 2017-2024 timeframe will create significant public access constraints due primarily to safety concerns. In order to keep the public and construction personnel safe during the project, EWEB and the Forest Service agreed to close access to Forest Road 730 at the Powerhouse.
The closure will deny public access to Trail Bridge Campground, Smith Reservoir and Lake's End Campground. The closure of the road to the public started in March 2017 and will continue at least through 2024.
ODFW has discontinued stocking of Trail Bridge reservoir for the duration of the closure – hatchery fish allocated to the reservoir are being redistributed to other stocked waterbodies. Only adipose fin-clipped trout may be harvested from Trail Bridge Reservoir. Only flies and lures may be used.
The lake is now accessible and has been stocked with trout. Last updated 5/29/24.
TURNER LAKE: bass, panfish, some trout
This approximately 70-acre lake just north of Turner is open to public fishing along the southern half where the boat ramp is. It is an old borrow pit and features largemouth bass, panfish such as bluegill, and trout in the cooler months. There's a boat ramp in the southwest corner of the lake. It was last stocked the week of Nov 11 with 1,000 rainbow trout. This waterbody should produce fish year-round.
As a reminder, only one trout over 20 inches is allowed as part of a five-fish per day bag limit. Last updated 11/20/24.
Due to potential changes to public access, ODFW will no longer be stocking Walling Pond. Last updated 2/12/25.
WALTER WIRTH LAKE: trout, bass, panfish
This urban lake usually gets stocked from about Thanksgiving through May. The rest of the year anglers can target bluegill and bass. It will be stocked this week with about 1,500 trout. Only one fish out a 5-fish bag limit may be longer than 20 inches.
Walter Wirth is a 20-acre lake located within the City of Salem's Cascades Gateway Park with good access all the way around. Last updated 3/19/25.
WAVERLY LAKE: trout, bluegill, catfish
This lake in Albany gets stocked from late fall through May. The rest of the year offers fair warmwater fishing for bluegill and bass. It will be stocked this week with about 1,000 trout. Only one fish out a five-fish bag limit may be longer than 20 inches.
From I-5 take exit 234 west towards Albany. The pond is located a quarter mile down Pacific Boulevard on the right. A paved ADA-accessible path runs all the way around the pond. Last updated 3/19/25.
WILLAMETTE RIVER: catch-and-release sturgeon, steelhead, spring Chinook, small and largemouth bass
Preliminary estimates for week of March 10. Best areas before the river clouded up were Oregon City and Sellwood.
- Boats: 558 anglers - Chinook 27 kept, 2 released - steelhead 0 kept, 16 released
- Bank: 252 anglers - Chinook 0 kept 0 released - steelhead 3 kept, 9 released
See summaries for more details.
River conditions and fish counts:
- March 17 Willamette River Portland-Temperature/Visibility: 46F, Visibility: 1.4ft
- Willamette Falls Counts as of 3/08/24: Chinook-0, winter steelhead-3,279, summer steelhead-135
- Link to Willamette River Morrison Bridge Hydro Data
- Link to NOAA-Willamette River Forecast (Salem)
The Willamette often gets overlooked because it is so close. But this river offers convenience, fairly good access and variety.
The river is ideal for small boats such as canoes and kayaks, but there are enough public access points for bank anglers as well. Consult Oregon Parks and Recreation Department for specific locations.
The upstream section between Albany and Harrisburg is open year-round for trout fishing, which can be very good when flows are cooperating. Look for deep slot pools and the tail-end of long riffles and the head of pools where the fish are likely stacked up in feeding lanes.
Smallmouth bass can be a lot of fun to catch and are plentiful between Salem and Corvallis during the spring and summer. Trout prefer the cooler temperatures upstream of Corvallis. From Salem downstream there are plenty of largemouth bass in the deeper, quieter sections. Last updated 3/12/25.
Regulation Updates
Please see the regulation update page.