Features: Except for adult drakes in breeding plumage, blue-wings are difficult to distinguish from cinnamon teal. Adult blue-wing drakes have a gray head with white crescent between the eye and bill. Hens and young of both species are nondescript small brown ducks, but show the prominent blue wing-covert patch in flight. Blue-winged teal is an early migrant and extremely rare winter resident in Oregon. Many hunters who believe they have shot a blue-winged teal actually have probably taken a hen or young drake cinnamon teal, both of which have identical wings with a large blue shoulder patch.
EE Wilson Wildlife Area - 29555 Camp Adair Rd Monmouth, OR 97361
Game bird hunting summaries for the E.E. Wilson Wildlife Area.
Sportsman's Warehouse 9401 SE 82nd Ave, Portland, 97086
Sportsman's Warehouse 9401 SE 82nd Ave, Portland, 97086
Sportsman's Warehouse 9401 SE 82nd Ave, Portland, 97086
Cabela's - 7555 SW Nyberg St Tualatin, OR 97062
Cabela's - 7555 SW Nyberg St, Tualatin, 97062
Cabela's - 7555 SW Nyberg St, Tualatin, 97062
From the rugged Coast Range to the Cascade Mountains, this vast area offers good general season hunting opportunities.
ODFW Office Conference room, 3561 Klindt Dr, The Dalles, 97058
ODFW Office Conference room, 3561 Klindt Dr, The Dalles, 97058
ODFW Office Conference room, 3561 Klindt Dr, The Dalles, 97058