Wallowa Hatchery Visitors' Guide
Wallowa began operation in 1920 as a resident trout hatchery. In 1985, the hatchery was renovated as part of the Lower Snake River Compensation Program (LSRCP) – a program to mitigate for spring Chinook and summer steelhead losses caused by the four federal dams constructed on the lower Snake River. Wallowa Hatchery is used for adult collection, spawning, acclimation and release of summer steelhead.
Best time to visit: Spring and summer
Visiting hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. daily
Fish raised: Steelhead, trout
What to see and do: The Wallowa Hatchery settling pond has been developed into a small wildlife area. A ¼ mile trail leads from the hatchery to the pond. This is a good place to see waterfowl, especially nesting geese, during spring.
- Wildlife: fish, freshwater mammals, hoofed mammals, wading birds, waterfowl
- Facilities: camp host, restroom, visitor center, trails, fish feed vending machines, ADA accessible
- Nearby: Wallowa State Park offers a full-service recreation area including picnicking, camping, fishing and boating. There are also many Forest Service hiking trials in the nearby Eagle Cap Wilderness area.
Directions: Turn off Hwy. 82 one mile west of Enterprise onto Fish Hatchery Lane. Proceed 3/4 mile to the hatchery.
The hatchery is located 10 miles north from Wallowa State Park.
Address and Phone:
Wallowa Hatchery
82119 Fish Hatchery Lane
Enterprise, OR 97828
(541) 426-4467