Wenaha Wildlife Area Visitors' Guide
The development of the WWA began in 1953 with the acquisition of five parcels of land consisting of 4,400 acres. The Department continued to purchase additional lands, acquiring 1,670 acres in 1954 and another 760 acres in 1955. From 1961 to the present the department has purchased or received another 4,219 acres. The wildlife area currently consists of 12,419 acres owned by the department. In addition, the department, through agreements with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), manage 1,329 acres within or adjacent to the wildlife area.
The WWA was established in response to continuing complaints from landowners concerned with elk damage on private lands during winter months.
Best time to visit: April for viewing migrating flocks of waterfowl including plumaged ducks, geese and swans. April - May for viewing migrant waterbirds and songbirds passing through the area.
Visiting hours: open daily; closed January 1 – March 31 with some exceptions
Wenaha Wildife Area Map (pdf)
What to see and do: Camping, fishing, hunting and excellent wildlife viewing are available. Visitors can see wintering elk, deer and bighorn sheep. Also viewable are bald eagles, Lewis woodpeckers, wild turkey, bluebirds and occasional bears, bobcats and cougars. The best bird watching is during the spring and summer.
- Wildlife: bald eagle, golden eagle, goshawk, red tailed hawk, merlin, prairie falcon, peregrine falcon, osprey, northern harrier, wolves, bobcats, black bears, cougars, coyote, raccoon, striped skunk, steelhead, salmon, rainbow trout, bass, bull trout, mink, otter, beaver, musk rat, Rocky Mountain elk, Rocky Mountain big horn sheep, Rocky Mountain goats, mule deer, white tail deer, moose, great basin fence lizard, great basin gopher snake, valley garter snake, wandering garter snake, northern pacific rattlesnake, rubber boa, weasel, deer mouse, Pacific mole, bushy tailed woodrat, northern pocket gopher, cotton tailed rabbit, snowshoe rabbit, marten, American robin, mountain bluebird, western bluebird, Sparrows, yellow headed blackbird, red winged blackbird, western meadowlark, northern oriole. turkey, blue grouse, ruff grouse, California quail, and chucker.
- Facilities: campground, fishing, hunting, restrooms, trails
- Nearby: Umatilla National Forest offers camping, fishing, river rafting and a variety of winter activities.
Directions: From Enterprise take hwy 3 north for 35 miles to Flora Junction. Proceed through Flora and follow signs for 13 miles including eight miles of very steep, narrow, gravel road. Take a right onto the Redmond grade bridge and cross the Grande Ronde river and a left onto the river road to Troy. Cross the Wenaha River and bear right at the first "Y." Continue up a steep, narrow gravel road to the first left onto Eden Bench Road.
The wildlife area starts at the first cattle guard and continues on both sides of the road for nine miles to the Forest Service boundary. Eden Bench Road goes through 1.5 miles of private property marked "no trespassing." Eden Bench Road turns into Forest Service Road 6212, which intersects Forest Service Road 62. Turn right on Forest Service Road 62 to return to Troy. These roads are not recommended for passenger car use.
Address and Phone:
Wenaha Wildlife Area
85060 Grande Ronde Road
Enterprise, OR 97828
(541) 828-7721
Additional resources: