Willamette Hatchery Visitors' Guide
Willamette Trout Hatchery and the adjacent Oakridge Salmon Hatchery were combined in 1983 and operate today as Willamette Hatchery. The trout hatchery was constructed in 1922 and the salmon hatchery in 1911. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) rebuilt the salmon hatchery in 1952 to mitigate for fishery losses caused by Hills Creek, Lookout Point and the Dexter hydroelectric/flood control projects. The trout side was rebuilt between 1950 and ‘56.
Today, Willamette Hatchery is used for adult holding/spawning, egg incubation and rearing of spring chinook and rainbow trout. In addition, both summer and winter steelhead are reared at this facility. The Dexter satellite facility serves as an adult collection, rearing and acclimation release site for spring chinook and summer steelhead.
Best time to visit: all year
Visiting hours: Dawn to dusk; 7 days a week
Fish raised: spring Chinook salmon and summer steelhead.
What to see and do: Willamette Hatchery has outside visitor information kiosks. Ponds offer viewing of large trout and white sturgeon. A viewing area of upland game birds is available with a museum, interpretive center and picnic area. Adult salmon are on hand June - September. There also is a nine-hole miniature golf course depicting the salmon life cycle. Call to make advance arrangements.
- Wildlife: birds of prey, fish, songbirds, wading birds, waterfowl
- Facilities: camp host, campground, fishing, ADA accessible, picnic area
- Nearby: The Willamette National Forest offers camping and fishing opportunities.
From Oakridge: Take Hwy. 58 to Salmon Creek Road. Travel one mile on Salmon Creek Road to the hatchery. Salmon Creek Road is 1.7 miles east of the stop light in Oakridge.
From the east: Take Hwy. 58 to Salmon Creek Road, just west of the Hills Creek Reservoir turn-off.
Address and Phone:
Willamette Hatchery
76389 Fish Hatchery Road
Oakridge, OR 97463
(541) 782-2933