What products can I purchase online without creating an account at MyODFW.com?
Use the "Shop for Products that don't Require an account" button to purchase paper (not electronic) daily or multi-day fishing and bird hunting licenses, wildlife area parking permit, habitat conservation stamp, aquatic invasive species prevention permit (motorized or non-motorized), or to make a contribution to conservation. Reminder that if you want to purchase an electronic daily or multi-day license, you will need to create an account.
What happens if my phone dies and I can't show my electronic license, tag or validation?
Hunters and anglers are required to have and display a license and tag upon contact by ODFW or OSP. It is the hunter or angler's responsibility to ensure they always have enough battery or an external battery source to power their phone so they can validate their harvest and show their license or tag. Note that even when they are in the field and without cell reception, ODFW and OSP will also be able to see information about licenses/tags/validations you purchased and to check your confirmation number (which indicates you have electronically tagged your big game animal).
Will I have to pin my location when I tag my fish or animal electronically?
Customers have the option of either pinning the location of their harvest or providing the wildlife management unit as they currently do. (This option is not yet available for combined angling tags so you need to enter your fish location code.) ODFW recognizes the potential sensitivity of personal hunting and fishing locations and has no current plans to change how it uses location data received from recreational hunters and anglers (which is at the wildlife management unit or fishery location level only). ODFW does not store location data provided though the app.
Do I still have to report my hunt (mandatory reporting) even if I'm using electronic tagging?
Yes, and reporting will remain a separate step under the new system as this data is handled separately. Report online through your online licensing account or as of mid December 2022, report from the latest version of the MyODFW app Version 3.0. or if you don't have access to the internet, visit a license sale agent to report. You can also call ODFW at (503) 947-6101 during regular office hours to report your hunt. Visit https://myodfw.com/articles/report-your-hunt for more information about hunt reporting.
Can I have both an electronic and paper version of my tag?
No. You need to choose either electronic or paper for your angling and big game tags. However, customers who choose paper will have the option of changing to electronic during the season. Customers who chose paper will also be able to setup their online account and use the MyODFW app where they can see licenses/tags purchased, but will be expected to furnish a paper copy of their tag upon contact by OSP.
Licenses, permits and other documents (that are not tags) may be electronic (including screenshots or PDF files) or paper as long as they can be shown to OSP or ODFW upon request and are in your possession while you are hunting or fishing.
Can I switch to electronic tagging from paper tagging or vice versa?
Yes. Customers have the option of changing their preference (from paper to electronic or vice versa) once per calendar year. Login to your account to change your preference under your profile or visit a license sale agent.
How many copies of my tags can I print?
Customers may print only one big game, turkey, fee pheasant, angling tag or hatchery harvest tag. It is unlawful to make copies. If you lose your tag and need a reprint, you need to go to a license sales agent or ODFW office and pay $2 for a reprint. Each reprinted tag is unique and only the most recent reprint from the system is valid. OSP and ODFW staff have the ability to scan the barcode on a printed tag to confirm it's valid.
While tags are limited to one copy, customers may print multiple copies of their paper license and other documents in their Recreational Portfolio.
Consider these additional tips when using paper tags:
Fill out as much of the tag as you can ahead of time – name, ODFW ID number, date of birth, etc.
Keep both the tag and a pen in the same bag, one that's big enough to stick your hand in. That way, if it's wet or raining you'll be able to complete the tag without taking it out of the bag.
Attached the completed tag, in its plastic bag, to the antler, horn or leg of the animal, just as you've done in the past.
Can I carry my kids' (or anyone else's) electronic licenses/tags along with my own on my phone?
No, due to the long-standing regulation that requires each hunter/angler to carry their own license/tag. People without cell phones should choose paper tagging.
Does ODFW intend to eventually phase out paper licenses/tags?
No. ODFW will continue to offer an electronic or paper option.
Does ODFW share my information with other organizations?
Yes, the information in your customer profile, including the products you have purchased, is subject to disclosure under Oregon law when requested through a public records request. Customer email addresses are shared only through a data sharing agreement, they are not disclosed through public records requests, and only if the customer opted into additional marketing efforts in their licensing account profile. Personally identifiable information about youth 16 and under is withheld from any public records request or data sharing agreement.
Will my data be secure?
Yes, the new system meets all data security requirements, including encryption of personally identifiable information in transit and at rest. Personally identifiable information and financial information will not be collected by or stored in the system that you will interact with to access your license and other products. The information will be stored, using full encryption for both in transit and at rest data, in a separate system that has no direct access point for the general public.
I have a question that was not addressed here.
You may find additional details about specific topics using the website's search function (look for the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner of each webpage).
Here are some common topics that may answer your question.
- How to Report Your Hunt
- Mentored Youth Hunter Program
- Hunter Education Classes and Workshops
- How to buy Licenses and Tags
- How to Apply for a Controlled Hunt
- How to Check the Controlled Hunt Results
If you need additional assistance, please contact our licensing team. Email odfw.websales@odfw.Oregon.gov, call ODFW Licensing at (503) 947-6101.