Big game hunting opportunities in Oregon are many and diverse -- from general season hunts for deer and elk, to controlled hunts for deer, elk, antelope, bear and cougar, to once-in-a-lifetime chances for bighorn sheep and Rocky Mountain goat.
Most Popular Species

Oregon offers diverse deer hunting opportunities among beautiful landscapes, with both over-the-counter general tags and controlled tags available. Western Oregon’s reclusive black-tails live in the lush habitat of the coastal mountains and western Cascades. Eastern Oregon’s mule deer live in the more open country of the High Desert and the northeast. Oregon also boasts a growing white-tail population and opportunity to hunt them in controlled hunts in the southwest and northeast portions of the state.

Oregon’s elk are one of the most sought-after species for hunters and the second most popular game animal after deer. Rocky Mountain elk are found in eastern Oregon and Roosevelt elk are found in western Oregon, with most concentrated in the Coast, Cascade and Blue Mountain ranges.
Additional Resources
Take a hunter education course
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Find a place to hunt
Finding a place to hunt can be a challenge — even in a state that's 50 percent public land. This map will help you find access for your next hunt.
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