Young hunter standing with his turkey in an oak scrub landscape

Landowners in the Hunt by Reservation Program

How you can benefit
August 17, 2023

Hunt by Reservation landowners are diverse. They range from small rural farms to large land trusts. Some need help reducing wildlife damage; others simply want to provide hunting access but don't have the time or tools to manage hunters.

Learn more about the Hunt by Reservation Program

Landowners are at the heart of ODFW's Hunt by Reservation Program

HBR landowner talking with a volunteer work party
Jeffery Matthews shares some history during a tour of his property with HBR volunteers.

We work closely with each landowner to create custom public hunting access opportunities that align with the landowner's schedule, lifestyle and wildlife management goals. Hunt by Reservation is a great fit for landowners who want to provide hunting access, but need some technical help coordinating dates, hunt rules, maps and logistics. ‌

Hunter in wheelchair and their hunting partner show off their turkeys.
Hunt by Reservation offers accessible hunting land for hunters who are mobility impaired.

Shared values

All landowners participating in HBR value the same three things

Access – Each landowner wants to provide hunting access and understands the value of hunting as both a wildlife management tool and an American tradition.‌

Management – Our landowners want precise control of when, where and how hunters can access their property. Working with us, landowners rely on our expertise and planning tools to customize hunt schedules, maps, rules, permits and hunters notices.‌

Stewardship -- Each landowner in our program is a good land steward. Depending on the landowner, stewardship could mean managing wildlife populations in their area, completing a habitat improvement project, or working with ODFW to host a small volunteer workday to clear brush and pick up trash. ‌

Groups of hunters volunteering at HBR property
This group of HBR volunteers cleared overgrown blackberry and hawthorn shrubs at Bald Hill Farm near Corvallis.

Current landowner roster

See our landowner lineup on the ODFW Hunt by Reservation website. This list changes somewhat from fall to spring as hunting seasons fluctuate. ‌

Landowner benefits

When you enroll in Hunt by Reservation, you can receive:‌

  • Technical assistance from ODFW to plan, create and administer hunts.
  • Control and flexibility over hunt schedules, boundaries and rules.
  • Accurate records of everyone who has a reservation to hunt your land.
  • Automated scheduling, maps and post-hunt surveys for each hunter.
  • Help reducing wildlife damage or nuisance on your property.
  • Satisfaction knowing you're offering Oregonians outdoor recreation and clean food.
  • Liability protections for allowing recreational access to your land.
  • Optional "adopt a landowner" workdays where hunters give back by helping complete an improvement project on your property.
    Father and son show turkey taken on HBR property
    HBR landowners find satisfaction in offering access to outdoor recreation and clean, natural food.

Here's how to enroll