Power City Wildlife Area Visitors' Guide
The Columbia Basin Wildlife Areas are a composition of four Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (department) managed wildlife areas located along the Columbia River, in the Columbia Basin. The four wildlife areas (Power City, Irrigon, Coyote Springs and Willow Creek) are within the Columbia Plateau ecoregion. Management agreements for these areas were initially established between 1971 and 1977 between the department and Federal agencies which own the lands.
The Columbia Basin Wildlife Areas, which total approximately 1,885 acres, provide an important landbase for the conservation and recreation of fish and wildlife within a highly privatized and altered landscape and play an important role for the fall and spring migrations of waterfowl in addition to resident upland game bird production.
A parking permit is required to park at this wildlife area. Find our how to buy a parking permit.
Best time to visit: Upland birds, waterfowl, songbirds, amphibians and reptiles are common during most of the year.
Visiting hours: Entry is prohibited from 10 pm to 4 am, except in designated parking area. No overnight camping.
What to see and do: This area provides a variety of habitats for viewing wildlife year-round. Consult Game Bird Regulations for hunting during authorized seasons.
- Wildlife: red-tailed hawk, American kestrel, spotted sandpiper, Wilson's snipe, savannah sparrow, white crowned sparrow, California quail, mallards, widgeon, great blue heron, great egret; for extensive list see Appendix C in the Columbia Basin Wildlife Areas Management Plan.
- Facilities: hunting
- Columbia Basin Wildlife Areas Map (pdf)
- Columbia Basin Wildlife Areas Management Plan (pdf)
- Power City Wildlife Area Features and Ownership map
- Wildlife Area Administrative Rules
Directions: 1.5 miles south of McNary on Hwy 395. Designated parking area located 1/4 mile east of Hwy 395 on Bensel Rd.
Detailed map: http://www.dfw.state.or.us/resources/visitors/images/maps/power_city_2.jpg
Address and Phone:
Power City Wildlife Area
73471 Mytinger Lane
Pendleton, OR. 97801
(541) 276-2344