Youth archery programs in Oregon
Archery is experiencing a surge in popularity, and rightly so. It provides both a physical and mental challenge; can be enjoyed year-round, and it’s an individual event that takes place in a fun social setting.

Why should kids shoot archery?
Archery is safe, fun and accessible for everyone. It also can be a great way for kids to learn valuable life skills including: focus, self-discipline, perseverance, patience and sportsmanship.
Best of all, kids learn all of these things without even realizing it because they are out on the range having FUN! Archery groups keep it interesting by shooting balloons and other fun targets, shooting from different positions and distances, and switching between inside and outside ranges.
Archery is a great sport to start at any age, because it is a skill that will last a lifetime and can be done by the whole family.
Youth archery programs in Oregon
National Archery in the School Program
The National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP®) is an in-school archery program for students in grades 4-12. This curriculum was created by education, conservation, and target archery experts to meet state and national educational standards.
Participation in a NASP® curriculum has been shown to improve student motivation, attention, behavior, attendance, and focus! Students are engaged in the educational process while improving micro and macro motor skills, listening skills and observation skills, while simultaneously building character and self-reliance.
Requirements to participate in NASP®
- There must be at least one certified instructor on the school staff (we highly recommend having at least two).
- There must be a minimum of 10 hours of in-school archery instruction completed annually.
- For example, a one-hour PE class, once a week for 10 weeks.
- After the 10-hour minimum in-school requirement is met, NASP® can be run as an after-school program as well.
- All participants must use Genesis equipment (bows and arrow).
To learn more about NASP® and how to participate, complete the form at the bottom of the page and the ODFW archery education coordinator will contact you with more information.
“We always used to say archery is 1 percent physical skill, and 99 percent mental. When you’re shooting a bow, you are working on skills like patience, motivation, focus and positive self-talk. Archery really makes you learn about who you are as a person, and there are many opportunities to grow whether you shoot just for fun, compete or hunt.”
Scholastic 3-D Archery
S3DA is a community-based, next-step archery program tailored for students in grades 4-12. Sponsoring organizations can include schools, archery ranges, and community groups.
All types of archery equipment set-ups are allowed, the divisions include: olympic recurve, traditional, open and fixed pins. In addition, there are three main competition formats: indoor target, outdoor target, and 3D.
S3DA clubs provide a place and regular practice times for archers to come practice, improve their technique and enjoy time with fellow archers.
Requirements to participate in S3DA
- There is at least one certified S3DA coach (we highly recommend having at least two).
- There is a minimum of 10 hours of archery instruction completed each year.
- S3DA coach and club membership fees are paid.
S3DA Membership Fees (must be paid annually)
- Club Insurance: $150/year* (ODFW will pay for year #1), this includes:
- $1,000,000 in liability coverage for students and coaches.
- Club Membership: $50/year (ODFW will pay for year #1)
- Coach’s Membership: $50/year (ODFW will pay for year #1), this includes:
- $2,000,000 in general and professional liability insurance.
- Ability to register students for S3DA tournaments and events.
- Student Membership: $25/year, this includes:
- $25,000 of medical accident coverage.
- Ability to register for S3DA tournaments and events.
*If your organization already has sufficient insurance coverage, this fee can be waived. Proof of insurance required.
To learn more about the S3DA program and how to participate, complete the form at the bottom of the page and the ODFW archery education coordinator will contact you with more information.
The ODFW Quiver
The ODFW Quiver is a monthly newsletter prepared by the ODFW Archery team that includes information for every archer, instructor, and student.
Included in the issues you will find:
- How-To Articles for Archers and Bowhunters
- Tips and Tricks for Coaches
- Hunting Stories and Pictures
- Asked and Answered
- Oregon Tournament Schedule
- And More
To join the e-mail list and receive your copy of the ODFW Quiver each month, sign-up here.