Deer hunters

ODFW Articles

Need to figure out controlled hunts, find a place to clam, learn how to fish or get directions to a wildlife area? We've got information on all that and more, straight from ODFW biologists and other accomplished hunters, anglers and wildlife watchers. 

Header image by Dave Budeau

image of a 12-14 inch cutthroat trout on stream bank
How to fish
Use your favorite gear, target sea-runs in late summer, and more

Wide distribution, an aggressive nature and willingness to take bait, flies or lures, makes cutthroat trout a popular target in western...

Boys pheasant hunt
Opportunity for kids

Mentored Youth Hunter Program allows youth 9 through 15 years of age to hunt without first passing an approved hunter education...

Give a years worth of outdoor adventure

What to get for family and friends who love the outdoors—the birder, hiker, aspiring angler, avid hunter or neighbor who...

How to fish

Find links to the current fishing and hunting regulations, as well as in-season regulation updates.

Mountain Goat
Buying a license or permit

Step-by-step directions for applying for a controlled hunt online and how to change your hunt choices. The deadline to apply...

Fall Chinook
How to fish

Summer is a great time to be on the Pacific chasing ocean salmon. Whether you captain your own ship

The following step-by-step guide will walk you through the new online registration system. With ODFW’s electronic licensing system, you can...