Features: Males' plumage is entirely black except for a small white teardrop around each eye, and white secondaries that form a conspicuous square wing patch during flight. A black knob graces the males' swollen, white-ridged, orange bills. Females and immatures are dark brown above and pale below with diffuse white patches in front of and behind the eyes. Their bills are dark. Habitat: Abundant along the coast from fall through spring. Techniques: Rarely taken as part of a mixed duck bag, their habit of resting and feeding on open ocean waters makes them inaccessible to most hunters.
Features: Except for adult drakes in breeding plumage, blue-wings are difficult to distinguish from cinnamon teal. Adult blue-wing drakes have a gray head with white crescent between the eye and bill. Hens and young of both species are nondescript small brown ducks, but show the prominent blue wing-covert patch in flight. Blue-winged teal is an early migrant and extremely rare winter resident in Oregon. Many hunters who believe they have shot a blue-winged teal actually have probably taken a hen or young drake cinnamon teal, both of which have identical wings with a large blue shoulder patch.
Features: Male cinnamon teal have a cinnamon-red head, neck, breast and belly. Like blue-winged teal, t hey have a bright patch of iridescent green on the rear of the wing and a bright blue patch on the front of the wing . They also have a distinctive red eye, a black bill and yellow legs and feet. Female and young male cinnamon teal are often confused with female blue-winged teal. Habitat: Prefer shallow, alkaline lakes where they dabble on aquatic plans. Techniques: Most cinnamon teal in Oregon are taken in eastern Oregon in the early season. They are not common
White River Wildlife Area was established in 1953. Located along the east slope of the Cascade Mountains in the north central part of Oregon, the wildlife area encompasses 29,480 acres. An additional 1,280 acres of land owned by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is managed by the ODFW bringing the total acres managed by the department to 30,760. The primary purpose of White River Wildlife Area is to provide winter range habitat for black-tailed deer and Rocky Mountain elk and to minimize big game damage to adjacent private agricultural lands.
Following droughts in the 1930s that affected most of North America, major conservation efforts, by both private and governmental entities, were enacted to reverse trends of degrading and disappearing wetlands. During this time period there was a major creation and expansion of federal wildlife refuges and state wildlife areas. As the concept of waterfowl flyway management was endorsed and developed, wildlife areas were acquired and managed as part of a larger plan focused on migratory waterfowl needs. LMWA was one of several wetland-focused wildlife areas established in Oregon. Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area was established in 1949, with primary objectives of
Ona Beach, Newport
Located near the Elkhorn Mountain Range, Elkhorn Wildlife Area is best known for Rocky Mountain elk and mule deer herds that use the area during the winter. To keep deer and elk from feeding on agriculture lands when they come down from snow-covered higher elevations, ODFW operates 10 feeding sites on the area to feed 1,400 elk and 800 deer during the winter months.
Bowhunter education is not required to hunt during archery-only seasons in Oregon. However completing Oregon’s Bowhunter Education Program can make you a more versatile and successful bowhunter. In addition, several neighboring states do require bowhunter education. Bowhunters who are certified through Oregon’s Bowhunter Education Program will be qualified to hunt in all other states and Canadian Provinces. Students in the Oregon Bowhunter Education Program get an introduction to bowhunting, and learn more about wildlife conservation, safe and responsible bowhunting, the parts of a bow and arrow, how to prepare for a hunt, hunting techniques, shot placement, game recovery and outdoor
Hunting involves a deadly weapon that can kill more than just your target. Hunting and handling your gun safely MUST be a top priority. Start with the fundamentals Start by learning these four gun safety fundamentals and you’ll be well on you way to a lifetime of safe hunting. Assume all guns are always loaded. The primary benefit of handling all guns as if they were loaded, is that it will help you develop safe gun handling habits. Never let the muzzle of the gun (the shooting end) point at something you’re not willing to shoot. Often referred to as