Conference room at Thompson's Sanitary Service, 7450 NE Avery St, Newport, 97365
Sportsman's Warehouse 9401 SE 82nd Ave, Portland, 97086
Sportsman's Warehouse 9401 SE 82nd Ave, Portland, 97086
Sportsman's Warehouse 9401 SE 82nd Ave, Portland, 97086
Sportsman's Warehouse 9401 SE 82nd Ave, Portland, 97086
Creswell Clay Sports, 81078 N Pacific Hwy, Creswell, 97426
Find maps as well as boundary and the percent public land for the Metolius Unit.
Find maps, boundary descriptions and the percent public land for the Walla Walla Unit.
Find maps, boundary descriptions and the percent public land for the Wenaha Unit.
The text for this turkey hunting course was originally written by Scott Haugen and edited by Jessica Sall. Videos were produced by Scott Haugen. Special thanks to the National Wild Turkey Federation for sharing many of the photos used in this course. Additional photos were from Scott Haugen and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
This vast area covers the Columbia Basin through the Blue, Wallowa and Elkhorn mountains to Hells Canyon. Some of Oregon's most prized big game hunts are managed in this area.
This massive area is a cornucopia of geographic features and prime upland and waterfowl hunting opportunities. It is a gem of Oregon.
Bend Trap Club, 29753 US-20, Bend, OR 97701
Returning adult salmon and steelhead enter the fish ladder on the south side of the dam and are held in a 12’ x 40’ trap until they can be processed by ODFW’s South Santiam Hatchery staff. Hatchery employees operate the fish trap one to three times per week depending on the time of year and numbers of adults returning to the system. An average of 4,000 spring Chinook, 4,700 summer steelhead, and 670 winter steelhead are collected annually. All unmarked spring Chinook and winter steelhead are returned to their native habitats in the South Fork of the Santiam above Foster
Find maps as well as boundary and percent public land for the Grizzly Unit.
Find maps, boundary descriptions and the percent public lands for the Desolation Unit.
Find maps, boundary descriptions and percent public land for the Murderers Creek Unit.
Oregon's recreational fisheries for Pacific halibut and bottomfish are constrained by bycatch of yelloweye rockfish, an overfished species. Many of the regulations on these fisheries exist to keep bycatch of yelloweye rockfish within sustainable limits, in order to help the stock recover (for example, depth restrictions in the bottomfish fishery, and no lingcod or rockfish during all-depth halibut days). ODFW encourages anglers to reduce impacts by using descending devices to release yelloweye rockfish, and better yet, to avoid areas where they might be caught.