Wild spring Chinook harvest will be closed on mainstem Umpqua, bag limit reduced on North Umpqua.

Sturgeon retention now closed in Bonneville and The Dalles pools after record opening day.

Beginning Dec. 1, temporary wild winter steelhead harvest restrictions will be in affect on Illinois, Rogue rivers.

Razor clam harvesting is now closed from Cascade Head to the California border the Oregon Department of Agriculture and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announced today.


Marine Zone

Oregon’s beaches, bays and ocean waters have more kinds of fishing than anywhere in the state. From chasing surfperch in the… well, surf, to hooking cabezon from a rocky jetty, to going deep after rockfish and halibut, to the line-screaming runs of an albacore tuna, this zone offers a species and fishing technique for every angler.

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Marine Zone

Visit e-regulations

Regulation highlights

Ocean Salmon

Seasons and bag limits are announced in April/May. The 2024 ocean salmon sport regulations are now available on the ocean salmon webpage.

Pacific Halibut

Seasons and bag limits are announced in April. Information on the 2024 halibut fisheries can be found on the recreational halibut webpage.

Rockfish / Cabezon / Lingcod / Etc.

Information for the 2025 sport bottomfish regulations can be found on the sport bottomfish webpage.


15 fish aggregate of all species per day.


25 fish in aggregate. Flatfish refers to flounders, soles, sanddabs, and California halibut.  

Note: Skates and rays are not “flatfish”. See the 2025 sport bottomfish regulations.

Tuna and other offshore pelagic species

25 fish per day.

Purple Sea Urchins

See the Oregon Shellfish Regulations page

Fishing in the Marine Zone

Pacific Halibut 

Halibut can get big – upwards of 100 pounds and almost 70-inches long – making them one of the most popular marine fish. Hauling in these sometimes huge, very flat fish can be back-breaking work, but the reward is a delicious fish large enough to feed more than a few family members and friends. Halibut seasons are announced in February, and fishing generally occurs from May through August, but can last into October. These are quota fisheries that can close early, so it’s important to double-check the open dates before fishing. If you're up for a halibut fishing adventure, but you don't have a boat or halibut gear, there are charter boats in most Oregon ports that can take you out for a day of fishing.

Ocean Salmon 

Before they enter fresh water to spawn, ocean coho and Chinook stage in coastal waters near the mouths of bays and rivers. Ocean salmon seasons are announced in May, and fishing is usually best in July and August as migrating coho and feeder Chinook salmon are readily available. Many of the ocean salmon seasons are based on quotas and may close early, so it’s important to double-check the status of the fishery before fishing. Charter fleets in several Oregon ports offer salmon fishing trips.


Surfperch are the perfect ocean fish for anglers who like to keep their feet firmly on the ground. These disc-shaped fish can reach up to 15 inches and come in a variety of colors. Fish for redtail and silver surfperch in the surf off sandy beaches. Striped and pile perch congregate near rocks, jetties, docks and pilings in the bays. There is a liberal bag limit for surfperch (up to 15 fish per day including all species). But since we don’t know a lot about surfperch populations, we recommend you keep only enough for a good meal (they are excellent eating) and release the rest.


Ranging in color from black to orange or red, more than two dozen species of rockfish are found along the Oregon coast. Many rockfish species are full-size at about 16 inches (41 cm). Some species, such as black rockfish, hang out in schools while others are solitary. Individuals of some species can live more than 100 years. Rockfish can be caught from jetties, but most are taken by boat in deeper ocean waters. Charter fleets in several Oregon ports offer day-long rockfish fishing trips.