Oregon boasts dozens of species of game fish. Trout is the most popular target for anglers, but the state also has iconic salmon and steelhead runs, world-class smallmouth bass fisheries and marine opportunities for both shore and boat anglers.
Most Popular Species

Trout is Oregon's number one game fish. From one end of the state to the other, anglers will find native populations of rainbow, cutthroat and other species of trout. In addition to the native populations, ODFW stocks over 5 million trout each year to provide even more opportunity. As a result, there's good trout fishing somewhere in Oregon 365 days a year.

The steelhead, a sea-run rainbow or redband trout, is the largest race of rainbow in Oregon. They are famous worldwide for line-peeling runs and putting up spectacular, acrobatic fights.

There are five species of Pacific salmon. Some are abundant in Oregon; others make a much more limited appearance.

Oregon offers great bass fishing throughout the state. Whether you're after smallmouth, largemouth or hybrids, there's a place nearby to catch a bass.
Additional Resources
Check salmon/steelhead harvest statistics
ODFW collects salmon and steelhead harvest statistics from rivers and streams throughout the state. This data can help you pinpoint productive fisheries.
Fish Counts at Major Dams and Fish Traps
The number of fish passing over dams can be a good indicator of how many fish are in the river and how the run is progressing.
Animated Knots by Grog
One of our favorite web resources for tying the most common fishing knots.