While there is a general, statewide season for cougars, there are quotas set by zone. Once a quota in a certain zone is met, that zone will close for cougar hunting. Below are the most recent numbers on cougar harvest by zone.
There are two steps in patterning your gun: Verify your point of impact. Confirm the pellets are hitting where you’re aiming. Often called sighting in. Check the pattern of the pellets to see what loads shoot most accurately. Often called patterning. Sight in scopes and fiber optic sites If you’re shooting a shotgun with a single bead on top of the barrel, you can go right to patterning. If you’re shooting a shotgun mounted with a scope or reflex sight, or a fiber optic front and rear site, you’ll need to sight in the gun before you pattern it. Start
Cascade Hatchery was authorized under the Mitchell Act and began operating in 1959 as part of the Columbia River Fisheries Development Program – a program to enhance declining fish runs in the Columbia River Basin. The facility is used for egg incubation and rearing of coho.
Features: A medium-size goose, adult snow geese are white with black-tipped wings that are visible in flight. Their pronounced pink bill has a dark "grinning" patch across it, and they have pinkish feet. Young of the year snow geese are grayish white with grey legs and bills. These birds are very vocal and can be heard over a mile away. Habitat: Snow geese are well-adapted to agricultural land. They can also be found in wetlands, roosting in open water. Sauvie Island, Summer Lake and Klamath wildlife areas have abundant snow goose populations during various times of year. Technique: Snow geese
Cole Rivers Hatchery is the largest producer of hatchery fish on the coast of Oregon. Almost all of the fish production at Cole Rivers is done to mitigate for the fish production that was lost when miles of high quality fish habitat was blocked by Applegate Dam (Applegate Reservoir) and William Jess Dam (Lost Creek Reservoir).
Salmon River Hatchery was constructed in 1975. The facility is used for adult collection, egg incubation and rearing of fall Chinook, coho and summer steelhead.
Clackamas Hatchery began operation in 1979 and is used for adult collection, egg incubation and rearing of spring Chinook and winter steelhead, rearing of coho and acclimation of summer steelhead.
Fish counting through Willamette Falls fishway occurs at the main viewing window. Video cameras and time lapsed video recorders are used to record fish passage 24 hrs/day, 365 days/year. Our schedule for reviewing the tapes is Monday through Friday.
Marion Forks Hatchery began operation in 1951. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) funds the majority of operational costs as mitigation for the development of Detroit and Big Cliff dams. The hatchery is used for egg incubation and rearing of spring Chinook.
Roaring River Hatchery was constructed in 1924. Many improvements have been made to the hatchery since original construction. In 1987 and 1996 new raceway ponds were constructed to replace the original raceways. The hatchery is a mixed-stock facility, producing both anadromous fish and resident trout. The hatchery is used for rearing summer and winter steelhead from fingerling to smolt. The rainbow trout program involves broodstock maintenance, spawning, egg incubation and rearing.