Three Mile Falls Dam is located at river mile three on the Umatilla River. The dam was constructed in the early 1900s and serves as an irrigation dam that is a complete barrier to fish migrating upstream. In order to successfully migrate past the dam, all adult salmon and steelhead must use the fish passage facility located on the east side of the dam. The fish facility consists of a fish ladder, viewing window, fish trap and holding pond. Every adult salmon and steelhead heading upstream is counted at this facility using a combination of trapping and video tape enumeration
Green Peter Reservoir by Kokanee Power Oregon
Oregon’s beaches, bays and ocean waters have more kinds of fishing than anywhere in the state. From chasing surfperch in the… well, surf, to hooking cabezon from a rocky jetty, to going deep after rockfish and halibut, to the line-screaming runs of an albacore tuna, this zone offers a species and fishing technique for every angler. Subscribe for updates
The Columbia River is renowned for its salmon and steelhead runs. In a year of good returns, over 1 million Chinook, coho and sockeye salmon, and summer steelhead travel up the river to spawn in its tributaries. Less known are the river’s excellent smallmouth bass and walleye fisheries. While most anglers fish this large river from a boat, there is plenty of good bank access at various parks, boat launches and beaches.