Turkey hunters should be aware of all state hunting regulations, but pay special attention to these things – all of which are listed in the table of contents of the Oregon Game Bird Hunting Regulations: Licensing and tags Shooting hours Legal hunting methods Turkey hunting opportunities The Game Bird Regulations are available both online and in print, both are organized in the same way. Licensing and tags In Oregon, all hunters older than 12 years need a hunting license. Kids 12-17 years old can buy a special, value-priced youth license that also includes fishing and shellfishing. In addition to a
12th street beach access at Seaside, Oregon
Heceta Beach County Park
Canyon Park Drive, Lincoln City
Oregon’s big game are managed by wildlife management units, particularly for controlled hunts, so get familiar with the boundaries where you want to hunt. Hunters in Oregon can access millions of acres of public land open to hunting ( national forests, BLM land, state forests, wildlife areas) plus many private lands open through Oregon’s Access and Habitat program. See to find a place to hunt.
Features: Both male and female mountain quail have a tall, straight, head plume that is black. They also have a chestnut brown throat patch that is bordered by a white stripe. Their head and shoulders are a gray color that fades into olive-brown on their backs. Their sides are brown with several black and white stripes making them a beautiful bird. Habitat: Mountain quail are native birds found on both sides of the Cascades. They thrive in the natural brushlands of southwestern Oregon and are also found in northwestern Oregon when suitable habitat is created by logging, fire or other
Features: Similar to the greater scaup in appearance and habits, but smaller and lacking the white on the primaries. In the field, however, the black-and-white drakes and brown hens are very similar to greater scaups. Habitat: In general, the lesser scaup is more likely to be found in interior or freshwater habitats while the greater scaup is more a coastal bird. Techniques: Scaup are rafting birds attracted to large spreads of scaup decoys. Popular hunting destinations include coastal estuaries and lakes, where most hunters hunt from a boat. However, in the marshes of eastern Oregon, there can be good hunting
Features: Female pheasants are brown on top and paler underneath. They have black spots on their sides and black bars throughout their tails. The males are much more conspicuous with bright red on their head, a white band around their necks, and an iridescent copper color on their sides and backs. Their tails are long and pointed with barring. Habitat: The ringneck is a farmland species, heavily dependent on cereal grains and other seeds. They also like taller vegetation for cover. Technique: Because pheasants are tied so closely to agriculture, the majority of hunting opportunity occurs on private lands. State
Features: Canada geese come in many sizes and colorations. All have the same general long, black neck and white chinstrap. Their breast color can range from light gray to a dark brown. Habitats: Canada geese have become abundant in many city parks and agricultural fields where forage grasses are available. They can be found floating in bays, estuaries, rivers, reservoirs and lakes as well. Techniques: Canada geese can be hunted like other waterfowl. From jump shooting to calling birds into a decoy spread, Canada goose hunting can be productive. Note: If you want to hunt geese in Northwest Oregon, a
Hunting opportunities abound in the densely forested southwest corner of Oregon. From the beautiful, ragged coastline through the Siskiyou Mountains to Crater Lake National Park, there is something for every game bird hunter.
Features: The pronghorn is deer-sized (up to 150 lbs) with relatively long and thin legs and feet, only two digits on each foot (no "dew claws"), a relatively small tail, and unique horns. Bright white sides, underside and rear end help hunters spot them in the field. Habitat: Pronghorn are found in the High Desert sagebrush of eastern Oregon and the Columbia Plateau. Techniques: Most pronghorn hunts happen in August, before other big game seasons, so be ready for the High Desert’s warm summer temperatures. All pronghorn hunting is limited entry (apply by May 15) and it can take several
Features: Columbian black-tailed deer are smaller and darker than mule deer. As the name suggests, black-tailed deer have a wide, triangular tail with a dark brown or black top and a white underside. Habitat: Blacktails are a subspecies of mule deer found in western Oregon from the Coast Range east to the Cascade Mountains. They are edge-adapted species using the region’s dense forest cover to hide during the day and more open early successional forest to feed at dawn and dusk. Places with a mix of forest age classes offer the best habitat for black-tailed deer. Techniques: Scouting (for scat
Features: In breeding plumage, green-winged drakes have a cinnamon-colored head with a green eye-stripe, gray back, flanks, and a bright patch of iridescent green on the rear of the wing (speculum). Hens are brown with a green speculum. Habitat: Green-winged teal are primarily winter migrants in Oregon. They are puddle (dabbling) ducks that prefer shallow areas like ponds and marshes, where they feed on or near the surface of the water by tipping up. Techniques: Teal are early migrants that begin arriving in Oregon in August but will continue to arrive into November. There are good early season hunts in
From the eastern flanks of Crater Lake National Park through ponderosa pine forests to the nationally-renowned Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, there is something for every bird hunter in south central Oregon.