Beaver State Podcast
The Beaver State Podcast is a product of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife that takes a look at hunting, fishing and wildlife viewing in Oregon through conversations with Oregonians, ODFW staff and luminaries throughout the conservation world.
Each 30-45 minute podcast will explore complex fish and wildlife topics broadly and in detail, and future episodes will feature weekly information from the Recreation Report.
Recent Episodes
Episode 127
minHow ocean conditions affect salmon and steelhead with Dr. Laurie Weitkamp
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minIllustrating the science of how life begins with Katherine Roy
Children's author and illustrator Katherine Roy has tackled topics like sharks and elephants in books but more recently she has turned her brushes and words loose on the topic of reproduction in her latest book, "Making More - How Life Begins."
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Episode 125
minOcean Acidification and Hypoxia
We look at current and potential future impacts on Oregon’s ocean fisheries and talk about what Oregonians can do now to help protect our natural resources in the future
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Episode 124
minBook Club – “The Feather Thief”
We read Kirk Wallace Johnson's "The Feather Thief" for this inaugural episode of the Beaver State Podcast Book Club
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Episode 123
minCounting Oregon’s Trumpeter swans
Counting swans at Summer Lake Wildlife Area, where managers have been working to establish a breeding population.
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Episode 122
minA father and son steelhead adventure
We float the Wilson River with Dishaun and Caleb Berry, and you get to hear the adventure, including all the joy associated with hooking and landing a large, hatchery steelhead.
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Episode 121
minNicole goes hunting
Tim and Nicole talk about Conservation Leaders for Tomorrow, a program that provides natural resource professionals training in the diverse values and important roles of hunting and its impact on conservation.
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Bonus Episode
minThe Beaver State Podcast Book Club
So, how does this book club work?
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Episode 120
minThe most-famous fish in Oregon
The Oregon chub - first fish ever delisted from the federal Endangered Species List
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Episode 119
minWhat is the Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program?
Volunteering and education remain the two biggest aspects of S.T.E.P
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Episode 118
minExploring Oregon’s best waterfowl destinations
Sauvie Island may be the undisputed heavyweight of Oregon waterfowl hunting locations, but it isn't the only sweet spot in the state.
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Episode 116
minVeterans in the Outdoors
Brandon Harper and Justin Stubbs are U.S. Marines who've decided to work in the world of hunting and fishing education at ODFW
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Episode 117
minHow to make friends with a crow
We talk to Jaklyn Larsen about her ongoing friendship with Clumsy the crow and his partner Jumpy.
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Episode 114
minThe Psychology of the Great Outdoors
Conservation is our overarching goal at ODFW, but getting folks out to interact with the state's fish and wildlife is also an important part of what we do.
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Episode 115
minThe Fish Chief
Mike Harrington is the newest Fish Chief, or Fish Division Administrator.
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Episode 113
minLiving in a Bear’s World
Tim Akimoff and Beth Quillian teamed up with Ashley Sanchez and Aaron Keller, hosts of The Nevada Wild Podcast at the 6th Annual Human-Bear Conflict Workshop in South Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
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