From the eastern flanks of Crater Lake National Park through the national forests of Douglas fir and ponderosa pine forests to the California border, there's plenty of public land to find your hunt.
Features: Rocky Mountain elk are one of two subspecies of elk found in Oregon, with a population estimate of more than 74,000 in the state. They are lighter in color and slightly smaller in size than Roosevelt elk, but their antlers are the largest of all elk and can weigh up to 40 pounds. Habitat: Rocky Mountain elk inhabit most of eastern Oregon with concentrations in the Blue Mountains and south-central Oregon. Techniques: Rocky Mountain elk live in much more open country that Roosevelts so try glassing, still hunting, spot and stalk and calling. Rifle, archery and muzzleloader seasons are
Features: Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep are the largest-bodied bighorn in North America and one of two subspecies of wild sheep in Oregon. Bighorn sheep were extirpated from the state in the 1800s so current populations are the result of a reintroduction effort by ODFW and sportsman groups. Habitat: Oregon’s estimated 800 Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep are found in the northeast corner of the state, in canyons of the Snake River and its tributaries and in alpine areas of the Wallowa Mountains. Techniques: Bighorn sheep are one of the rarest game species hunted in Oregon today, with about 100 tags available
Features: California bighorn sheep are one of two subspecies of wild sheep in Oregon. They are usually smaller, with a less blocky build and smaller horns than Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep. Bighorn sheep were extirpated from the state in the 1800s. Current populations are the result of a reintroduction effort by ODFW and sportsman groups. Habitat: California bighorn sheep are the most abundant subspecies in Oregon with an estimated 3,700 found among 32 herds in central and southeast Oregon. They prefer rugged, open habitats with a good view of their surroundings. Techniques: Bighorn sheep are one of the rarest game
Turkey hunters should be aware of all state hunting regulations, but pay special attention to these things – all of which are listed in the table of contents of the Oregon Game Bird Hunting Regulations: Licensing and tags Shooting hours Legal hunting methods Turkey hunting opportunities The Game Bird Regulations are available both online and in print, both are organized in the same way. Licensing and tags In Oregon, all hunters older than 12 years need a hunting license. Kids 12-17 years old can buy a special, value-priced youth license that also includes fishing and shellfishing. In addition to a
Spring turkey hunting is about appealing to a tom’s urge to mate. Fall hunting, on the other hand, is about keying in on a flock’s daily routine. Look for a lone bird As fall turkey flocks become established, there’s a pecking order in each group. It’s not uncommon for a lone bird – usually a jake or young tom – to be wandering by himself looking for a flock to join. If you spot a lone bird, waste no time trying to get in front of him to set up and call. Don’t intimidate the lone bird with aggressive calling
Whether you’re out the night before preparing for your morning hunt, or studying the habits of a flock throughout the year, scouting ahead of your hunt will help you find more birds during your hunt. Use optics to spot birds With binoculars or a spotting scope you’ll be able to spot and study birds from a distance without spooking them. Don't be in a hurry when watching turkeys through binoculars or a spotting scope. The birds won’t know you’re there, so take time to study the hens and toms in the flock. See if there’s a big tom you want
Turkeys don’t like to fly at night, so the best time to get set up for your hunt is either right before dark the day before your hunt. Or before daylight the day of your hunt. Once you ’ve located a tom, either seeing it or by hearing it gobble, it’s time to make a plan. The goal is to get close enough to call in a tom, without letting him know you’re there. Be in place before daylight If you’ve been out the night before and used a locator call to find a tom on his roost, get to
Features: Columbian black-tailed deer are smaller and darker than mule deer. As the name suggests, black-tailed deer have a wide, triangular tail with a dark brown or black top and a white underside. Habitat: Blacktails are a subspecies of mule deer found in western Oregon from the Coast Range east to the Cascade Mountains. They are edge-adapted species using the region’s dense forest cover to hide during the day and more open early successional forest to feed at dawn and dusk. Places with a mix of forest age classes offer the best habitat for black-tailed deer. Techniques: Scouting (for scat
Features: Mule deer are larger and lighter in color than black-tails. Mule deer have a thinner “ropelike” tail that is white with a black tip. Their antlers are forked, as opposed to having a main beam. And as their name implies, they have large ears, like a mule, that stand at an angle. Habitat: Mule deer occupy a wide range of habitat types; some live in desert shrub-steppe, some in woodlands, and some in conifer forests. In general, however, mule deer occupy the more open, rugged areas. Although mule deer commonly are considered “browsers," they consume a wide variety of
Features: Roosevelt elk are one of two subspecies of elk found in Oregon, with an estimated population of 59,000 in the state. “Rosies” are darker in color than other elk subspecies and the largest in terms of body size, with bulls generally weighing 700-1,100 pounds. Habitat: Roosevelt elk occupy most of western Oregon, with concentrations in the Cascade and Coast ranges. All elk west of Hwy 97 are considered to be Roosevelt elk, though there is some overlap of Oregon’s two subspecies in the Cascades. Techniques: Roosevelt elk make their home in the thick and lush forests of western Oregon
Features: The mountain goat is stockily built with black scimitar-shaped horns, large black hooves and prominent dewclaws, and an entirely white, woolly coat. Habitat: Rocky Mountain goats are found in steep and rugged habitat in eastern Oregon, including the Wallowa, Elkhorn and Strawberry mountains, and the central Cascades near Mt Jefferson. Techniques: Rocky Mountain goat tags are “once-in-a-lifetime” and less than 25 are available each year. Be prepared to hunt their steep, rugged habitat if you are lucky enough to draw a tag.
Features: Oregon’s rarest deer has a brown tail that is longer than a blacktail’s wide tail. Its antlers will branch off from a single main beam, unlike mule deer and blacktail antlers that branch twice. Habitat: The Columbian whitetail is a subspecies unique to Oregon and southwest Washington and found in just a few locations—along the lower Columbia River in Oregon and Washington, and in the Umpqua Basin near Roseburg (where it is expanding its range). Techniques: Just a few controlled hunts for this subspecies exist in the Umpqua Basin region and tags are limited; see the regulations for details.