Showing 261 - 274 of 274 results
We make it easy to take your family fishing – with free fishing events, recommended family-friendly fishing locations, and how-tos on everything from buying your gear to cooking your catch.

Fall salmon fishing seasons in rivers along Oregon’s coast from Necanicum River to the Winchuck River depend on the outlook for wild Chinook and coho. Subscribe to this page for information on fall coastal salmon seasons. Sign up for email updates
July 30, 2024
On Free Fishing Weekends, you don't need a license to fish, crab or clam anywhere in Oregon. That's no license, no combined angling tag, no endorsement needed (so no Columbia River Basin Endorsement, Rogue-South Coast Steelhead Validations or Two-Rod Validations are required).

Before you apply for a controlled hunt, you'll need to know how to read a hunt number to find hunts that include what you want to hunt for, where you want to hunt and how you want to hunt.
November 18, 2024
Find links to the current fishing and hunting regulations, as well as in-season regulation updates.
Some of ODFW's smaller field offices are not staffed to sell licenses to the public. However, staff at our larger offices will be happy to help you buy your licenses, tags and other documents. Here is a list of those offices.
These updated rules were adopted after the current regulation booklet was printed, and supersede those printed regulations. Always check for regulation updates before fishing. Find crabbing and clamming updates
Dedicated fly-anglers don’t stop fishing in the winter, instead they adjust their tactics to the colder conditions.

Hunters and anglers can still visit their local ODFW license agent to purchase and print licenses, tags and other documents. This list will be updated periodically.

All anglers fishing for salmon, steelhead or sturgeon (catch-and-release and retention) on all rivers and tributaries in the Columbia River Basin need to have a Columbia River Basin Endorsement (CRBE).

ODFW believes everyone benefits from healthy fish and wildlife and from the chance to explore, connect and thrive outdoors. Join us as we strive to reach more people than ever and help us ensure that Oregon's natural resources are safe and accessible for all.