ODFW manages 20 wildlife areas across the state, each with a unique blend of fishing, hunting and wildlife viewing opportunities. Remember, you'll need a Wildlife Area Parking Permit for your visit. See the map and listing below to find the wildlife area nearest you.
ODFW manages 20 wildlife areas across the state, each with a unique blend of fishing, hunting and wildlife viewing opportunities. Remember, you'll need a Wildlife Area Parking Permit for your visit. See the map and listing below to find the wildlife area nearest you.
The FRWA was created by a licensing agreement signed in 1957 and modified in 1982 and 2008, between the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Oregon Game Commission. This agreement authorized the state to develop, conserve, and manage all wildlife resources on 5,261 acres of land and water within the Fern Ridge Project. ODFW also acquired the 309 acre Coyote Creek South and 224 acre Coyote Creek Northeast units in 2013 and 2015, respectively. The wildlife area now totals 5,794 acres.
The Columbia Basin Wildlife Areas are a composition of four Oregon Dept of Fish & Wildlife managed wildlife areas located along the Columbia River, in the Columbia Basin. The four wildlife areas (Power City, Irrigon, Coyote Springs and Willow Creek) are within the Columbia Plateau ecoregion. Management agreements for these areas were initially established between 1971 and 1977 between the department and Federal agencies which owns the lands. The Columbia Basin Wildlife Areas, which total approximately 1,885 acres, provide an important landbase for the conservation and recreation of fish and wildlife within a highly privatized and altered landscape and play
Summer Lake Wildlife Area was established in 1944, with primary objectives of protecting and improving waterfowl habitat and providing a public hunting area. It is now a popular destination for hunting, wildlife viewing and environmental education due to its geographic setting, the abundance of wildlife present and species diversity.
The development of the WWA began in 1953 with the acquisition of five parcels of land consisting of 4,400 acres. The Department continued to purchase additional lands, acquiring 1,670 acres in 1954 and another 760 acres in 1955. From 1961 to the present the department has purchased or received another 4,219 acres. The wildlife area currently consists of 12,419 acres owned by the department. In addition, the department, through agreements with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), manage 1,329 acres within or adjacent to the wildlife area. The WWA was established in response to continuing complaints from landowners concerned with
Following droughts in the 1930s that affected most of North America, major conservation efforts, both private and governmental, were enacted to reverse trends of degrading and disappearing wetlands. During this time period there was a major creation and expansion of Federal refuges and State wildlife areas. As the concept of waterfowl flyway management was endorsed and developed, wildlife areas were acquired and managed as part of a larger plan focused on migratory waterfowl needs. Klamath Wildlife Area was one of several wetland-focused wildlife areas established in Oregon. KWA was established in 1958, with primary objectives of protecting and improving waterfowl
Jewell Meadows Wildlife Area is located in the Oregon Coast Range Mountains, in the northwestern part of the state. The wildlife area was established in 1969, with an initial purchase of 183 acres. It now encompasses 1,114 acres. The wildlife area’s purpose is to protect and enhance habitat to benefit native wildlife species, to reduce wildlife damage to adjacent properties, and to provide the public with an opportunity to observe wildlife in a natural setting.
Prineville Reservoir Wildlife Area came under the shared management of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife & United States Bureau of Reclamation in 1962. It is managed for the protection and enhancement of wildlife habitat, big game winter range, improving riparian wetlands, and to promote wildlife stewardship. Goals of the PRWA include creating recreational opportunities for viewing and enjoying wildlife, including mule deer, bald eagles, and a variety of waterfowl. Boating, hiking, and camping are a few popular activities permitted in the wildlife management area. Hunting and fishing opportunities are also available within Prineville Reservoir Wildlife Area, as regulated
Located near the Elkhorn Mountain Range, Elkhorn Wildlife Area is best known for Rocky Mountain elk and mule deer herds that use the area during the winter. To keep deer and elk from feeding on agriculture lands when they come down from snow-covered higher elevations, ODFW operates 10 feeding sites on the area to feed 1,400 elk and 800 deer during the winter months.
This 141-acre property along both sides of the Yachats River was first purchased in the early 1980s to provide forage for elk and help alleviate elk damage to surrounding agricultural land. It also provides public access to the Siuslaw National Forest along the Yachats River Highway, where there are few public access points.
Sauvie Island Wildlife Area was established in 1947 with primary objectives of protecting and improving waterfowl habitat and providing a public hunting area. The initial purchase of five acres in 1940 and subsequent purchases through 2012 has brought the wildlife area to its present size of 11,643 acres, of which 8,153 acres are under fee title to the department and 3,490 acres are managed through a cooperative agreement with the Oregon Department of State Lands. Currently, the wildlife area supports a biologically diverse association of wildlife which includes at least 275 species of birds, 37 species of mammals, 12 species
White River Wildlife Area was established in 1953. Located along the east slope of the Cascade Mountains in the north central part of Oregon, the wildlife area encompasses 29,480 acres. An additional 1,280 acres of land owned by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is managed by the ODFW bringing the total acres managed by the department to 30,760. The primary purpose of White River Wildlife Area is to provide winter range habitat for black-tailed deer and Rocky Mountain elk and to minimize big game damage to adjacent private agricultural lands.
The original Riverside Tract is adjacent to the Malheur River near the former railroad community of Riverside. It was purchased from the Blaylock family in 1976 and has been administered by ODFW as Riverside Wildlife Area since that time. The purpose of this initial acquisition was to provide public fishing and hunting access to a previously privately held portion of the Malheur River canyon. In addition, this purchase provided the opportunity for the department to emphasize fish and wildlife habitat management in the river canyon. Additional acres were added to this tract in 1977. In 1972, the department purchased a