The Canada lynx is only slightly larger than the bobcat. Nevertheless, long legs and long fur produce the illusion that the lynx is considerably larger than it actually is. Documented accounts of wild lynx are rare and lynx are not expected to currently reside in Oregon. However, if lynx were to be observed, it is likely to occur at higher elevations such as in the Cascade Range, Blue Mountains or Wallowa Mountains. Habitats used by lynx often are defined in terms of habitats used by their primary prey species, thus good snowshoe hare habitat usually is considered to be good
The mountain goat is a stockily built bovid with black scimitar-shaped horns, large black hooves and prominent dew claws, and an entirely white, wooly pelage. Sometimes the pelage contains scattered brown hairs on the dorsum and rump. A long beard, pointed ears, and a squarish muzzle are also characteristic. Males are larger, and have longer, larger-diameter, and more evenly curved horns that females. Mountain goats are denizens of high altitudes, remote, and barren montane regions where they are capable of moving through exceedingly rugged and precipitous terrain with speed and agility. Nevertheless, mountain goats are known to fall occasionally, whereupon
Upon taking an adult salmon, steelhead, legal-size sturgeon or Pacific halibut, the angler must immediately enter the codes for the species caught, ocean port or stream, and the month and day of catch. The information from these tags helps ODFW manage the fisheries and estimate total harvest. Currently nearly 40 percent of anglers use e-tagging. Want to switch from paper to electronic? Login to your account and look under your profile to switch.
The FRWA was created by a licensing agreement signed in 1957 and modified in 1982 and 2008, between the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Oregon Game Commission. This agreement authorized the state to develop, conserve, and manage all wildlife resources on 5,261 acres of land and water within the Fern Ridge Project. ODFW also acquired the 309 acre Coyote Creek South and 224 acre Coyote Creek Northeast units in 2013 and 2015, respectively. The wildlife area now totals 5,794 acres.
The mule deer is the larger member of the genus in Oregon. The ears are long, the metatarsal gland is surrounded by hairs similar in color but considerably longer than those on the remainder of the metatarsus, and the tail is short and constricted basally. Among adult males, the antlers are dichotomously branched with tines of approximately equal length. In winter, the basic pelage color is cinnamon buff. The chest is nearly black at the midline grading to grayish on the sides. The nose, sides of face, chin, and throat are whitish to pale buff. Spots of black occur immediately
The Columbian white-tailed deer is the smallest cervid in Oregon. The most distinguishing feature is the long, wide tail that can easily be seen, especially when raised when startled. The tail is brown dorsally with a white fringe, and white ventrally. In males, antlers with tines typically arise from a single main beam. In winter, the pelage is a dark buffy-gray and consists of relatively long, thick, and somewhat brittle hairs; in summer, the pelage is lighter with more tawny tones and is shorter and thinner. The midline of the dorsum is darker and the fade lighter; in males, the
The pronghorn, often called "antelope," is deer-sized with relatively long and thin legs and feet with just two digits on each foot, a relatively small tail, and unique horns consisting of deciduous keratin sheaths set on bony cores arising from the fontal bones. Among males, the laterally flattened sheaths are long, branched and recurved, but in those females that possess horns they are short and simple. The horns and hooves are black. The front feet are larger and carry most of the weight when the pronghorn runs. The pelage is course. The dorsum is a light buff and is separated
Returning adult salmon and steelhead enter the fish ladder on the south side of the dam and are held in a 12’ x 40’ trap until they can be processed by ODFW’s South Santiam Hatchery staff. Hatchery employees operate the fish trap one to three times per week depending on the time of year and numbers of adults returning to the system. An average of 4,000 spring Chinook, 4,700 summer steelhead, and 670 winter steelhead are collected annually. All unmarked spring Chinook and winter steelhead are returned to their native habitats in the South Fork of the Santiam above Foster
Oregon's recreational fisheries for Pacific halibut and bottomfish are constrained by bycatch of yelloweye rockfish, an overfished species. Many of the regulations on these fisheries exist to keep bycatch of yelloweye rockfish within sustainable limits, in order to help the stock recover (for example, depth restrictions in the bottomfish fishery, and no lingcod or rockfish during all-depth halibut days). ODFW encourages anglers to reduce impacts by using descending devices to release yelloweye rockfish, and better yet, to avoid areas where they might be caught.
The Landowner Preference Program (LOP) was established to acknowledge the contribution of private lands to support wildlife and provide a form of compensation to landowners for resources used by wildlife. Tags are available to landowners, family members, and others designated by the landowner based on the acreage owned. Pronghorn hunts are only available to landowners and family members. Recipients of LOP tags may only hunt on the property for which they are registered.
The American beaver, the largest rodent in North America, commonly weighs in excess of 55 pounds. The beaver is highly modified for aquatic life with a compact body, paddle shaped tail, webbed hind feet, valves that close their ears and nose while diving, and a rich oil gland that waterproofs their fur. Under water, membranes cover the eyes. Claws on the first and second toes are split and function in grooming; the ears and eyes are small; the tail is broad, scaly and nearly without hairs. The thick underfur is overlain with coarse guard hairs; overall, the pelage (coat) is
Nov. 20, 2024 If there’s not a photo, it didn’t happen Submit your fishing photo to ODFW and we might use it here or elsewhere on Best bets for weekend fishing The Metolius River continues to be excellent for mountain whitefish, redband trout and bull trout. The Metolius from Allingham Bridge to the headwaters closed for the season on Nov. 1. Anglers report great success catching recently stocked trophy trout averaging 3 pounds in the Fall River. Anglers and guides continue to report good nymphing for trout and whitefish on the Crooked River below Bowman Dam. Trout fishing has