From the diminutive American pika to the majestic moose, a wide variety of mammals call Oregon home.
Types of Mammals

Invasive species are animals and plants that are not native to an ecosystem and that cause economic or environmental harm. Not all non-native species are invasive, however many become a serious problem. They can aggressively compete with Oregon's native wildlife for food and habitat.

Enlarged front feet allow moles to dig underground while shrews do not have enlarged feet and use varied habitat. Moles are specially equipped to live underground and have ears and eyes so small they are not visible.
Shrews have tiny eyes that are visible. They reuse mole and vole tunnels and are occasionally found invading buildings.

Oregon has 15 species of bats, and eight of those are Oregon Conservation Strategy Species. Strategy Species are those having small or declining populations, are at-risk, and/or of management concern.
Bats are flying mammals that can reach speeds of 20 to 30 mph. Some of Oregon's species migrate south in winter while some remain here and hibernate. Bats have ecolocation which allows them to make high-pitched sounds then listen to the echo of those sounds to locate where objects are. Echolocation helps them find even the smallest insect.
Learn more about Oregon's bats on our Living with Wildlife, Bats page including a fun batty for bats flyer, plans for building bat houses and information on White Nose Syndrome.

This group of mammals is spread nearly worldwide and in Oregon, they are found throughout the state. Oregon is home to the American pika and seven species of rabbits and hares.

The mountain beaver is a medium-sized, muskrat-like rodent often lacking a visible tail. It is not related to other beavers or rodents but are called beavers because of their habit of gnawing down young trees. The mountain beaver has an extremely short, fur-covered tail, and otherwise differs from the muskrat by possessing five-toed feet. It is dark brown with a small white spot at the base of each ear.
In Oregon, are common in forested areas on the west slope of the Cascade Range west to the Pacific Ocean. They are, however, rarely seen as they spend most of their time in underground tunnels, emerging only at night to eat.

This group of animals is common throughout Oregon in various locations depending on species.
Oregon just has one marmot, the yellow-bellied marmot and two of its squirrels are on the Oregon Conservation Strategy Species list: the Washington ground squirrel and the Western gray squirrel.
Check our Living with Wildlife, Tree Squirrels page for tips on preventing conflicts, trapping, species status and recommended conservation actions.

Oregon has five species of pocket gophers that are specially equipped for digging and tunneling. They have large-clawed front paws with small eyes and ears. Sensitive whiskers help them navigate underground.

This group of rodents includes mice, voles, rats and muskrats of various sizes, but they all share one trait - their dentition is highly specialized for gnawing.

Nearly wiped out in much of their historic range by early fur trappers, American beavers are now restored to many state waters due to improved management, greater awareness of their benefits, and less demand for fur.
The beaver has been so significant in Oregon's history that it is our state symbol, the mascot for Oregon State University, and holds honor on the reverse side of Oregon's state flag.
ODFW has many resources on our Living with Wildlife, Beaver page.

Large, slow-moving rodents, porcupines are found on every continent except Antarctica. There are 12 "New World" species in North, Central and South America. In Oregon, there is only one, the common porcupine.

Coyotes, wolves and foxes are found throughout Oregon, depending on the species. The gray wolf, kit fox and Sierra Nevada red fox are Oregon Conservation Strategy Species.

Oregon's black bears don't always live up to their name. Their coloring can be blonde, brown, cinnamon, and of course, black.
Check ODFW's Living with Wildlife, Bears for great tips on working or recreating in bear country, homeowner checklist to keep bears at bay, and more.

Although these species are quite different, they are both in the same family, Procyonidae.

This group of mammals includes the American marten, fisher, and wolverine which are all Oregon Conservation Strategy Species.

Oregon's three cat species all belong to the same family as the domestic house cat. Cats are muscular but graceful and have retractable claws to hold prey.

Oregon's hoofed mammals include three sub-species of deer, along with moose, elk, goat, and sheep. Otherwise known as ungulates, these animals are herbivores.