Sunnyside Park, Foster Reservoir: 44930 Quartzville Dr, Foster, 97345
Redmond Rod and Gun Club, Redmond
Find maps, boundary descriptions and the percent public land for the Catherine Creek Unit.
Features: A medium-size goose, adult snow geese are white with black-tipped wings that are visible in flight. Their pronounced pink bill has a dark "grinning" patch across it, and they have pinkish feet. Young of the year snow geese are grayish white with grey legs and bills. These birds are very vocal and can be heard over a mile away. Habitat: Snow geese are well-adapted to agricultural land. They can also be found in wetlands, roosting in open water. Sauvie Island, Summer Lake and Klamath wildlife areas have abundant snow goose populations during various times of year. Technique: Snow geese
Cole Rivers Hatchery is the largest producer of hatchery fish on the coast of Oregon. Almost all of the fish production at Cole Rivers is done to mitigate for the fish production that was lost when miles of high quality fish habitat was blocked by Applegate Dam (Applegate Reservoir) and William Jess Dam (Lost Creek Reservoir).
Glen Otto Park, 1102 E Historic Columbia River Hwy, Troutdale, 97060
The original portion of Fall River Hatchery construction was completed in 1929. Many improvements have been made since original construction. In 1952 the ten raceways were completed. The hatchery produces legal and trophy sized rainbow trout, and provides rainbow, brook and cutthroat trout fingerlings for air stocking programs throughout the state. The facility traps and spawns brown trout at a remote site.
The major portion of Elk River Hatchery construction was completed in 1968. In 1971 the hatchery completed final construction on an intake and ten new ponds. The purpose of the facility is to supplement natural production of fall Chinook in the Elk and Chetco Rivers and winter steelhead in the Chetco River. The facility is used to collect Elk River fall Chinook, to incubate eggs and rear both natural and hatchery fall Chinook and winter steelhead.
Bowhunter education is not required to hunt during archery-only seasons in Oregon. However completing Oregon’s Bowhunter Education Program can make you a more versatile and successful bowhunter. In addition, several neighboring states do require bowhunter education. Bowhunters who are certified through Oregon’s Bowhunter Education Program will be qualified to hunt in all other states and Canadian Provinces. Students in the Oregon Bowhunter Education Program get an introduction to bowhunting, and learn more about wildlife conservation, safe and responsible bowhunting, the parts of a bow and arrow, how to prepare for a hunt, hunting techniques, shot placement, game recovery and outdoor
Denman Wildlife Area, 1495 East Gregory Rd, Central Point, OR 97502
12th street beach access at Seaside, Oregon
Heceta Beach County Park
Canyon Park Drive, Lincoln City